Planning and Plotting

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Story starts from Arnav's PoV and him learning about truth.

Morning 6 in Raizada Mansion: 

Arnav woke up and saw khushi who is sleeping peacefully on bed. He went near hear and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning khushi. From today onwards everything will change between us. Every day wont be good but they will give good ending to our love story. I will change you to Mrs. ASR. I accepted you for who you are but i wont sit quietly when you are trading yourself for others happiness. I know you suffered a lot till now, but you have to go through more to become my strong khushi. Remember even gold has to test in fire to become strong and pure. Dont worry i will be with you in every step. I know i will hurt you in this process. You sure will get angry on me that time beat me, kick me, kill me but dont hate me. I cant stand hate in your eyes for me. I know you will stand all test and come out as a winner for me and avni" Arnav thought to himself and went to fresh up and jog. 

Khushi woke up after some time and saw room is empty. She completed her daily routine and helped avni to get ready for school.

At breakfast: 

Everyone are settled down on their seats except arshi. Khushi is in kitchen preparing lunch box for avni and arav. Arnav is in his room getting ready for office.

Khushi came out and served avni.

"Khushi beta, where is arnav babua?" Mami questioned her.

"He will come down soon" She replied with polite smile. 

"Khushi, Can we go for shopping today? I have to buy office dresses" Lavanya asked. 

"I will ask arnavji and tell you" She replied to lavanya.

"Hey, shopping. Mummy i will also come" Avni told excited.

"Sure avni, now complete breakfast" Khushi told her.

"daddy, evening la aunty, mummy and I are going for shopping" Avni informed arnav who just entered dining hall.

"No avni. You will get tired. You have school tomorrow. You can go on sunday." Arnav told strictly.

"Please daddy, we will come soon. I wont get tired. Promise" Avni pleaded him.

"Arnav let them go for today. Khushi didnt even went out much after marriage" Anjali suggested which made arnav face harder. His left hand formed fist under table. He so wanted to blast on anjali for playing with khushi but he doesnt want to take risk as she is pregnant now. That doesn't mean he will leave her without punishing. 

"Daddy please please, you are my good dad na. Avni loves you so much" Avni asked him cutely, she stood on table and went near him. She kissed his both cheeks. Who will reject that much cuteness so arnav just nodded his head looking at khushi.

Khushi served him toast and juice as usual.

"Khushi sit and eat" Arnav told.

"Its ok arnavji, i will eat afterwards."

"Khushi everyone have hands to serve themselves now sit and eat. You have office to attend" Arnav told with cold face making her jump in fear.

"Khushi beta sit and eat. We will serve ourselves" Nani supported him. Everyone needed their heads in approval.

Khushi hesitantly sat on same chair where avni was a few minutes ago. 

"Mummy i will serve you and daddy. I have finished mine, see" Saying avni served khushi with her little hands. Everyone smiled seeing their bond. 

Arshi reached office after dropping avni and arav as shyam is out of town. 

"Khushi in my office now" Arnav told when they reached their floor and went to his cabin.

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