Little Devil

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Story starts after khushi's point of view about her feelings towards arnav.

Next day passed with lavanya looking out for khushi in office, aman digging out information about khushi, shyam is trying to fetch proofs againt vikram's bother and Arnav in his work.

SUNDAY, 5:30 AM. Arnav room:

Knock knock......

Continuous banging on door disturbed arnav's sleep. He got up and saw time. He confused about who will be at door this much early. 


"Coming" Arnav groaned and saw khushi sleeping peacefully on couch. He went near her and picked her up in his arms without disturbing her sleep, he placed her on bed carefully and went to door (He dont want anyone of his family members to know their problems)

He opened door slowly, but no one are there. He looked around finding it strange because he clearly heard knocking. Finding no one he locked door and went inside. He reached khushi and covered her with blanket. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. This is his first kiss willingly.

"Caught you" Someone shouted from behind making arnav freeze and khushi woke up from her sleep.

"Ahhhhh" Khushi shouted seeing arnav face very near to her.

"Mummy daddy" Avni shouted and came infront of them.

"Little devil" Arnav shouted seeing avni inside their room. 

(Avni was the one who knocked door and she came in slowly when arnav opened door and she hid behind door to give surprise to her parents)

"Mummy" Avni jumped on bed but khushi still kept her hands on face with fear.

"Mummy its me" Avni pouted.

"Little devil, why did you got up this much early?" Arnav asked avni coming out of shock.

"daddy" Avni hugged him without telling anything.

"You almost scared me" He told ruffling avni's hair, by now khushi opened her eyes slowly.

"What happened?" Khushi asked still in confusion.

"Mummy get up. why are you still sleeping?" Avni questioned her.

Khushi looked at watch, its still 5:40 AM

"Baby, why you are awake this early?" Khushi asked avni who is sitting in her lap.

"We need to go to farmhouse right? You both forgot?" Avni asked with anger.

"No angel we didnt forgot but still its early right?" Arnav replied to her.

"Its not early. Badi nani told good people will always get up by 5 AM in morning" Avni told them.

"Acha(ok) then why you will sleep till 8 AM daily madam" Arnav asked avni.

"From today i will become good girl. Past is past. We should forget it." Avni countered back to her father. If he is ASR then she is also a ASR, right?

Khushi laughed seeing her attempts to go to farmhouse early.

"Avi baby, if you dont sleep properly you will get tired and you wont be able to enjoy till evening. so, sleep for some time now" Khushi told making her lie down beside her.

"ok mummy but wake me up by 8 ok. Good night daddy" Avi told before drifting off to sleep.

Arnav kissed avni's forehead and went to sleep on his side.

They all slept peacefully. (i am also getting sleep😴😴💤 but my lovely readers.. dont sleep reading this.)

Arnav woke up by 7, his eyes fell on two beautiful angels infront of him who are sleeping innocently.

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