Khushi to know truth of her marriage

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    Story starts from arnav going to his room after learning khushi took avni outside without informing him. 

    Arnav is very angry when reached his room and looked around to find khushi standing in his poolside talking in phone. He cant able to see her face as she is facing other side. He reached her in long strides and snatched phone from her hand, throwed it to wall breaking it into pieces.

    A shocked khushi turned other side only to find him so close to her with bloodshot eyes, she can feel his hot breaths on her face. She is already feeling numb by the truth she got know a while back.

"How dare you to take avni outside without my permission?" Arnav asked coming closer to khushi if possible.

    Khushi moved back until her back hits wall, Arnav gripped her shoulders tightly which will surely leaves marks behind. But she is not feeling any pain, her heart and brain are not in a state to register anything. 

"Answer me khushi? Didnt i told you to not to take any decision regarding avni" arnav is getting more angry seeing her not uttering a word.

"Answer me dammit!!" Arnav shouted again to get no response from her.

"Look at me when i am talking to you dammit" Arnav lifted Khushi's face holding her chin. 

     Tears are continuously rolling from Khushi's eyes. After seeing arnav face she remembered why he is angry on her from starting of their marriage.

"i am sorry, sorry, sorry..." Khushi continued telling sorry.

"Khushi what happened, did i hurt you badly?" Arnav questioned, because devastated look on her face is not giving good vibe to him. 


"Khushi, did anyone in the family told anything ?" Arnav tried one more time.


"Did anyone outside told anything to you?" Arnav asked again

Again silence came as answer

"Speak up dammit!!" Arnav shouted, one thing he dont like at all is anyone ignoring him.

     After listening arnav's shout khushi came to her senses, She started thinking. Can she tell him truth? Will he believe her? What if she is in his place, will she believe him ? NO. So, she decided to hide the truth.

"I am saying sorry for taking avni outside without your permission" Khushi told still tears are not stopping.

"No, that is not reason. Tell me the truth, i know you are hiding something" Arnav asked.

     All arnav want now is to khushi accepts the truth of taking money to marry him, After thinking so much he came to a decision of confronting khushi. Dont he know how khushi is? 

"Mummy daddy!!" Avni shouted coming into arnavs room. Arnav realized their position and moved away making some space between them.

     Avni came straight to poolside saw tears coming from her mummy eyes.

"Mummy why ale(are) you clying(crying)?" Avni questioned her mummy, her eyes also became wet.

    Both arnav and khushi dont know what to answer avni. Avni turned to her daddy and asked same question.

"Daddy why mummy ish(is) clying(crying)?" Avni questioned arnav.

    Avni is getting frustrated seeing her parents silent. She looked around and found khushi's phone in broken state. She picked it up and came near to her parents.

"Mummy, you ale clying becaush youl phone got bloken?( you are crying because your phone got broken?)" Innocent avni asked khushi, Khushi just nodded her head not knowing what to answer. 

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