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(I am imagining above cute girl as avni)

Story starts from avni pouring juice on a guest who insults khushi. 

"Dont you dale(dare) to say bad worlds(words) to my mummy!!!!!!!!!!" Avni roared like small lioness. 

    There is a pin drop silence in the living hall of shanthivan. Everyone are in shock seeing sweet avni in lioness mode, till now they know avni as active, naughty and even stubborn. Even raizadas cant able to believe what they saw just now. 

"Avni, what is this? Is this the way to behave with elders. Say sorry to her now" ordered devayani coming out of shock now.

"Bari(badi) nani, This aunty shpoke(spoke) bad about mummy. why should i shay sholly(say sorry) to her. She needs to shay sholly(say sorry) to my mom." Avni defended herself.

"Avni This things related to elders, you shouldn't come in between all this. Now say sorry to aunty" Anjali tried to convince avni.

"No anjali bua, i didnt do any mishtake(mistake) to shay sholly(say sorry)" Avni told.

    Seeing things going out of hand khushi intervened

"Avni, Say sorry to aunty and go to your room" Khushi told rather strictly. Avni looked at khushi for sometime before saying sorry to that wicked lady and ran upstairs to her room.

    Everyone shocked seeing avni obeying khushi without a single word, more shocked is arnav who is watching entire seen from entrance. He completed his work early and reached home to spend sometime with his lovely daughter. 

     After apologizing to guests again, khushi went to avni room. Khushi saw avni is sitting on bed and her beautiful chocolate brown eyes filled with water. She reached avni and sat infront of her. But avni is angry on her mumma so she turned her face to other side making khushi chuckle at her cuteness.

"Is someone angry on her mom?" Khushi spoke.

"Yes, she made me shay solly without my mishtake(she made me say sorry without my mistake)" avni told still not looking khushi.

 "Is it? then she must be bad lady." Khushi told making a sad face and this made avni to turn khushi's side.

"Noo, she is not bad." Avni defended her mummy.

"ohh, How did you felt when i told your mom is bad?" khushi questioned avni.

"Yes, i will feel shoo(soo) bad if anyone shpeak(speak) bad about my mummy" Avni told sadly.

"In the same way i will also feel bad if anyone speaks bad about my avi. I will become sad if anyone tells avi dont know how to behave with elders, she is not good girl. Even though that aunty did mistake, the way you reacted is not good avi. Anger is not good for you. You should have told to elders, we would have talked with her." Khushi explained avi.

    Avni thought for sometime about what her mummy told. She understood her mummy is right.

"I am Shorry(sorry) mummy. I wont lepeat(repeat) this again" Avni told touching her ears in apologetic manner.

"I want everyone to say avni is good girl" Khushi told removing avni's hands from ears.

"sure mummy, I bill(will) make you and daddy pl...what is that wold(word), ah ploud ploud(proud)" Avni told after lot of efforts which made khushi laugh. 

"Thank you baby, comes lets fresh up and change. This cloths are very heavy" Khushi told taking avni to washroom for a bath.

    Other side arnav is in deep thoughts about khushi-avni bond. Its just a day but they became inseparable. What if khushi hurt avni or uses avni to get money from arnav? He needs to warn khushi to stay away from avni. He thought to speak with her tonight. 

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