Evil Entry

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Story starts from Khushi-arnav-avni sleeping together like a cute family.

Arnav is first one to woke up, he saw other side of bed where khushi and avni are sleeping cuddling to each other like cute puppies.

Arnav is lost in moment, this is the same seen arnav fantasized from the time he laid eyes on khushi.

But unfortunate to him, khushi also turned out to be money-minded. The thought that khushi married him just for money is cutting his heart into pieces. But arnav better know how to mask his pain under i-don't-care attitude.

Removing all this unwanted thoughts, arnav went to jogging.

After sometime khushi got up and saw avni sleeping peacefully hugging her tightly as if she loosen her grip khushi will disappear. Khushi slowly removed avni hands and went to washroom to fresh up.

Arnav came back and saw avni still sleeping and heard water sound from washroom which told khushi is inside. He took his cloths and went to guest room to fresh up.

Arnav came back and saw avni is still sleeping, he went near and kissed her forehead and then cheeks.

"ahh Daddy, youl beald is plicky (your beard is pricking). It ish making me laugh" Avni told when arnav was about to kiss her left cheek.

"aww my angel, is my beard tickling?" Arnav asked which replied by a nod from avni.

"Then what about this?" Arnav asked rubbing his beard one her little tummy making her squeal.

"Haha, daddy shtop(stop) it......" Avni requested in between her laughs.

"Good morning princess" Arnav told kissing her forehead.

"Good molning daddy(morning)" Avni replied kissing her daddy's cheek.

"Baby you need to get up early, from tomorrow your school will start" Arnav informed her.

"Daddy, am i int...intelligent ?" Avni asked.

"yes baby you are most intelligent and cutest baby on earth." Arnav replied.

"Anajali bua told, kids will go to school to become intelligent. As i am already intelligent why i need to go to school?" Avni questioned making her father speechless.

(From here i am writing avni's convo also in normal words, it is taking double effort to type her words in baby language)

Arnav looked here and there thinking what to answer his question bank.

"What do you want to become when you grow up avi?" Khushi asked coming near to avni. She came out of washroom when arnav stepped into room and stood near door seeing father-daughter.

"I already grown up, i am a big girl mummy" Avni replied innocently and jumped on khushi to give good morning kiss.

"Oh, big girl. Who is your favorite person?" Khushi changed question.

"Daddy and you" Avni told earning a kiss from her mother.

"When you come to daddy's age, what will you do?" Khushi questioned again.

"I will also go to office taking that big laptop and fire aman uncle 10 times a day" Avni replied making arnav chuckle.

"You know your daddy used to go school daily and studied well that's why he is running a company now. If you go to school and study well you will also become more intelligent like daddy. And scolding others without mistake is bad habit" Khushi explained calmly.

"Ok, then i will also go to school" Avni jumped on bed.

"Thats my baby, come i will give you bath" Khushi told and took avni to washroom.

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