Rescuing Khushi

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Story starts from arnav revealing khushi is kidnapped. 

"saleh sahab, what are you saying?" Shyam asked not believing his ears. Who will kidnap khushi, she is such a nice and positive girl. 

"My rival vikram kidnapped khushi" Aranv confirmed making everyone shock. No one are in state to react.

Arnav called his security people and asked them to search for khushi, he called commissioner informing about incident and vikram phone call. He called aman to track khushi and lavanya phone numbers.

"Arnav babua, be strong. Nothing will happen to our khushi betiya." Mami consoled khushi

"Nothing will happen to khushi, i will bring her back safe. Di, dont tell kids about khushi. I will go and search her" Arnav told.

"Sale sahab i will also come" shyam cant relax knowing khushi is in danger.

"Arnavji" Came a voice making everyone turn their heads to entrance door.

Everyone sighed in relief seeing khushi safe infront of their eyes.

"Khushi, nothing happened to you right? thum teek ho?" Arnav questioned her instantly taking her into a comforting hug to get assurance that she is really here safe and sound.

"Arnavji, wohh .....lavanya ji" Khushi whispered making him confuse. Slowly realization dawned upon him.

2 hours back:-

 "Di, i am going to temple. If arnavji woke up, inform him" Khushi told, she want to go to temple to clear her thoughts.

"Khushi, i am also coming. give me two minutes" Lavanya told and went inside to get her purse.

"Ok, i will wait outside" Khushi went outside and unfortunately drivers are busy, she stood there not knowing what to do.

"Come khushi lets go" Lavanya told.

"Lavanya ji, drivers are not there. I think we cant go to temple" Khushi told with sad face.

"Why worry when i am here, i will drive come." Lavanya suggested. 

"No lavanya ji, arnavji will get angry if we go out alone" Khushi told making lavanya face fell.

"I know he dont like you going out with me, its ok" Lavanya replied.

"No, its not like that. Come lets go. We need to come back early. I cant afford to go late to office" Khushi agreed seeing her sad face.

They reached temple near their house. 

"Khushi, i forgot my purse in car. I will bring it. You go inside" Lavanya told and went to car to bring purse while khushi went inside. 

Khushi waited for her in temple, lavanya came back with a tensed face. 

"Khushi, listen to me carefully. Dont come out of temple now. Some people are waiting outside to kidnap you. I heard them talking about it. But fortunately they dont have picture of you. They only know our car number. I will go instead of you, you stay here for sometime and go to home, inform arnav." Lavanya told making khushi go horror.

"No lavanya ji, we will find some other way to go away from here" Khushi told, she dont want others to suffer because of her.

"Khushi, understand there is no other way. You see full temple is empty except us and they are coming inside khushi. If they saw us together, they will kidnap both of us. I cant take risk of you being kidnapped. If anything happens to you, ASR will never forgive me." Lavanya pleaded.

"Khushi, give me your phone. Ask ASR to track my number. Ok. I am going down. Tell ASR i am sorry for the mistake i did in past" With that lavanya went down keeping her phone in secret pocket and khushi's phone in her hands.

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