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"Yes, and i am The ASR so its my idea" Avni said with winning smile.

"My angel is too smart." Arnav said tickling her.

Soon they drifted into peaceful sleep.

Next day:- 

Everyone came down after finishing their morning routine except arshi and avni.

Arnav is sleeping soundly in his room. 

"Mumma, papa is still sleeping?" Avni asked khushi.

"Yes baby from past 30 minutes i am trying to wake him up but no use" Khushi said tiredly. Every time she tries to wake up arnav either he close his ears with pillows or he will ask khushi to sleep.

"Dont worry, i know how to wake him up" Saying avni went near arnav and sat on arnav's back as he is lying on his stomach.

"Papa, good morning" Avni whispered sweetly in his ear.

"Good morning angel but let me sleep for sometime" Arnav said in sleepy tone. Khushi gave i-told-you-so look to avni.

"Papa, we are getting late for breakfast. Rats are running in my stomach" Avni shouted.

"Tell mumma to feed my little rat" Arnav said to which avni kept hand on her forehead.

"Papa please" Avni whined.

"Baby please" Arnav copied her.

An intelligent idea knocked on avni's little brain. She called khushi near her and whispered in her ear. 

"Papa 1..2..3" 

"Get up.........." Shouted avni and khushi in arnav's ear with loud pitch.

"What The!!!" Arnav shouted sitting on bed holding his dear ears.

"Mother and daughter planning to make me deaf?" He asked irritatingly.

"Haha papa, next i thought to put speaker with high volume near you" Avni said laughing along with khushi.

"God, you are such a devil sometimes. God only knows who's craziness you got" Arnav said eyeing khushi.

"Trust me its your genes" Khushi replied. Arnav left to fresh up cursing under his breath. 

"Fun to annoy papa" Avni said to khushi with hifi.

"Avi i need your help?" Khushi said to avni.

"Yes mumma. Anything for you" Avni replied.

"We are planning a surprise to your papa, We need to take him downstairs with blindfold" Khushi said to which avni thought for sometime.

"Today is not papa birthday, then why surprise?" Avni questioned.

"Actually i was not there on papa previous birthday right? so i am surprising him now" Khushi replied with best answer came in her mind.

"You were not there in nani, manu nana, mano nani, bua, phupha and arav birthday too? will you give gifts to them?" Avni asked to which khushi smile dropped.

"Vohh, i will gift them on their next birthday. Yes..yes" Khushi said.

"Why cant you give gift to papa on his next birthday?" Avni questioned again.

"Avi, baby my doll, my question bank. Stop questioning mumma. Please help" Khushi pleaded.

"Ok" Avni said which made khushi happy.

Arnav came out after sometime and got ready. 

"Lets go" Arnav said looking at his wife and daughter.

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