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Story Continuous from arnav sharing his past to khushi and they returned to shantivan. 

They directly went to their room seeing no one in living hall. Khushi opened door and saw beautiful sight infront of her. Arnav who entered after khushi smiled seeing avni lying on floor with colors spread around her.

 Arnav who entered after khushi smiled seeing avni lying on floor with colors spread around her

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(Imagine avni here)

Arnav and khushi slowly entered and went near her. 

"Mummy, daddy" Avni shouted as soon as she spotted them.

"Avi. I missed you so much" Khushi told and hugged her very tight. Tears formed in khushi's eyes remembering about anu di and rahul jiju. If only Di was little bit selfish, they would have been alive today, they would have been in khushi and arnav place as parents of avni. This imagination itself brought so much peace as well as pain to her heart. 

Khushi now understood why arnav tried to remove selflessness from her. More or less she also did same mistake like anu di. She trusted her parents blindly enough to marry a stranger within two days. It was purely devimayya blessing that the stranger turned out to be arnav. But what if that was a bad person? A criminal? What would have been happened to her? Her insides shivered with this thoughts. 

Arnav placed hand on her shoulder understanding her turmoil. She looked up to him, he gestured her to not to cry. Avni looked up to her.

"Mummy, Why are you crying?" Avni asked cupping her cheeks.

"Your mummy was missing you so much. She dont know how to express it so she is crying." Arnav said bending down to their level.

"Uff mummy. For this small thing you are crying. You know you can always express it by hug and kiss like this" Saying avni wiped khushi tears and peppered kisses all over her face. 

"I missed you too" Arnav said. Avni went near him and repeated her action.

"I missed you both" Saying avni tried to wrap her little hands around them. Seeing her hands not reaching around them she pouted cutely bringing back smile on arshi face.

Arnav wrapped one hand around avni and another one around khushi. They took time and came out of family hug.

"Wow, what a picture" NK told coming in with his camera.

"Chachu, you took photo of us?" Avni asked excitedly.

"Yes princess. Come i will show you" Saying NK lifted her in his arms.

"Arnav i want to talk to you after dinner" NK told seriously and went out taking avni with him.

 Arnav closed door and came near khushi. He took her into his arms without saying anything.

"Khushi i know what you are feeling. Because that is what i felt when avni first time called me "papa". My heart pained seeing her crying for mother. But now i am happy. You coming into our lives was blessing khushi. A beautiful blessing" Arnav consoled her.

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