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Story continuous from Avinash, arthi and vishal entering into RM. 


"Its been 10 days, we are unable to get avinash and vishal out of jail" Arthi said frustrated.

"Mam, ASR double crossed us. We are unable to do anything" Raju said with fear visible in his eyes.

"I dont know what you will do, i want them out of jail in 2 days. We will attack arnav on sunday. There will be a engagement in his home. We need to use that opportunity." arthi said.

"Mam, i know a police officer who can help us in this. We just need to pay him wealthy" Raju replied.

"Take all my jewel and sell them off. We need to get hands on arnav, avni and their properties" Arthi said with evil grin. Raju nodded and went away.

"I had dreamt about being Malik's bahu and enjoy their wealth. I was successful when avinash fell in my love but that old malik spoiled my plans by giving all his fortune to aravind. I trapped him with the help of avinash but that fool instead of giving properties to me, he kept everything on his daughter name. Bloody idiots. No one will stop me this time, i will take over malik and raizada's properties. I will put knife of khushi's neck, she is darling to ASR and his daughter." Arthi cursed them.

After a day:- 

"Mam, avinash sir and vishal sir will be out of jail tonight. We will enter into RM by kidnapping the professional chefs who are hired for event in RM. Only task here is to manage security. ASR increased his security. They will kill us merci Lesly if we get caught." Raju said.

"I dont care!!! today whether we are going to die or ASR" Arthi said wrathfully. Raju became silent hearing her. He knows it is pointless to argue with her. Anger is very strong emotion, it destroys our senses first and then us. Arthi is in same state, she is unable to think sane and logically.

"Ok Mam" Raju said and went away.


Raju bribed police who helped avinash and vishal to escape from jail. 

"Arthi? Are you ok? Nothing happened to you right?" Avinash asked taking arthi into his arms. Remaining people rolled eyes at this. 

"I am ok, ASR and sheethal kidnapped me" Arthi said.

"I know, i killed that bit**" Avinash said and sat on couch. 

"Whats the plan?" Vishal interrupted their moments.

"We are going to attack ASR and his family in RM" Arthi said. Vishal stood shocked.

"What the hell? Are you out of your mind?" Vishal shouted.

"Do you have any other plan?" Arthi questioned him, vishal became silent.

"We planned everything perfectly. We will go in disguise of chefs and we will mix sleeping pills in the food of security of RM. We will enter in and finish them" Arthi said to which avinash nodded head.

"Do you think ASR needs someone to defend us? He is a LION" Vishal said.

"Thats why our target should be his wife, she is a meek women like anvitha. No matter how much powerful ASR is, his wife and daughter are his weakness" Arthi said.

"And his family will sit silent without attacking us?" He questioned again.

"Yes, i know something which shut their mouths. After all they are emotional fools" She smirked.

"Still i think its risk" Vishal said.

"Arey vishal, your own father is not ready to help you. You status, your company, your money, your image, you brother everything gone due to ASR. HE destroyed everything for what ? his wife. Now we need to destroy his wife." Avinash said which made vishal angry.

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