Arnav In Trouble

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Story starts from khushi deciding to earn arnav's trust in avni's matter.

Next Day morning:-

Arnav woke up and saw time, its 6:30AM. It is his normal time to start day, He fresh up and went for jogging. 

Arnav came back from jogging and went to avni room. He saw avni sleeping on her stomach with a pout  and keeping one hand on her teddy bear. 

He went near avni and kissed her forehead.

"Angel, good morning. Get up baby girl" Arnav cooed his baby. 

"Daddy, let me shleep pleashe(sleep please)" Avni told turning to other side.

"Baby girl, get up its time for breakfast. you are daddy favorite baby na" Arnav tried again.

"You are avni's favorilite daddy na pleash let me shleep(You are avni's favorite daddy na let me sleep)" Avni told copying her father making him chuckle.

"I am going to count till 3 you need to get up. One.....Two......Three" Arnav tickled avni.

"hahaha daddy, leave me pleashhh(please), haha...." Avni told in between laughs.

Seeing avni go out of breath arnav stopped tickling and fell on bed beside her laughing.

After controlling her laugh avni sat on arnavs chest and started pulling his hair with her little hands. 

(Imagine arnav and avni here like avni pulling arnav's hair)

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(Imagine arnav and avni here like avni pulling arnav's hair)

"Ahh, angel it is paining. Stop it baby" Arnav spoke acting like he is in pain.

"No daddy you distulbed my shleep(you disturbed my sleep)" Avni told still pulling his hair.

This is how khushi saw father and daughter enjoying in morning. It feels so good to see them smiling without any worries. She thought how it looks if she is also beside them and enjoying, this thought it self brought smile on her face. 

"Mummy, come hele(here). Help me to punishh daddy" Avni shouted seeing her mom standing near door.

"Khushi, save me from this cute devil please" Arnav shouted.

"No mummy, daddy distulbed my shleep. Help me to punishh him" Avni raised her point.

Khushi came near bed and took avni in her arms.

"Leave him for now baby, will punish him later" Khushi told making avni pout and arnav sigh in relief.

"Is someone angry on me?" Arnav asked looking at avni, she turned to other side.

"I bought a chocolate for my angel but she seems to be angry on me. Ok i will give it to aarav" arnav told pretending like self talk.

"NO, that chocolate is mine. You cant give it to aarav" avni replied possessively and snatched it from arnav's hand.

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