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Its been 6 months since that fateful day where arnav successfully removed all his enemies. But, unfortunately on very same day devayani nani left this world due to heart attack.

Flash back:- 

After nani went and slept on bed keeping anu and rahul photo near her chest, she started feeling uneasiness. She thought its due to the guilt and ignored it. After half an hour, her body started sweating badly and she is unable to breath. 

Avni who came from temple chatted with everyone and came to inform nani about temple incident. She got scared seeing nani stuggling to breath and move.

"Papa" Avni shouted running towards living hall.

"Papa, badi nani is unable to move and she is making some sounds" Avni informed what she observed.

"Lets go" Everyone ran towards nani room. Arnav reached her first.

"Nani, what happened? Khushi call ambulance" Arnav shouted.

"Beta, i think its my time to leave this world" Nani spoke with lot of difficulty.

"Please dont say that nani, we need you. I dont want to loose anyone because of that devils" Arnav said in tears. Avni snuggled close to khushi legs and so arav. 

"You are not. You won them, you are like a hero. I am happy arnav, i saw everything in this life. I am leaving happily, only guilt is that i cant able to spend time with anu and rahul. Now devimayya is fulfilling my wish, i am going to reach them. I will enjoy my time with anu and rahul" Nani said.

"Nani, please dont speak anything. Nothing will happen to you" Anjali said.

"Dont be so mean anjali. You and arnav enjoyed my time. Now, i want to give my time to anu." Nani said trying to joke in meek voice.

"Where i will go, i will come back in form of your kids. No, We(Anu, rahul and nani) will come back. Now smile everyone. Dont send this old lady with your ugly teary faces" Nani said. By that time ambulance reached there, Arnav picked her up and took her to hospital but deviyani didnt make it as attack was massive.

It was very sad for everyone to bid send off to nani but they had to. 

Flash back ends....

This six months changed so much in everyone lives. 

Mama and mami came out of their grief for nani death.

Anjali gave birth to baby girl, they named her devayani. Arav and shyam are full busy in pampering their angel.

NK and La got married as decided. La started showing her feelings, they were happy in their little love world.

Preethi is three months pregnant and aman became patient due to her crazy cravings and mood swings.

Kailash is enjoying his bachelor hood, he is not in hurry to marry.

Arshi recently celebrated their wedding anniversary. Arnav took time to come out of nani death incident. Avni and khushi helped him a lot. 

"Arnavji, get up?" Khushi said sitting on bed worriedly.

"What happened baby doll?" Arnav questioned her. Now a days arnav started calling khushi with many sweet names which he will use for avni as well. Some times khushi will get confuse whether he is referring avni or her.

"Arnavji???" Khushi called him again.

"Yes my little baby" Arnav said without opening his eyes.

"Get up na" She whined.

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