Reason behind their marriage & First Meet

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 Hi guys, lets continue to next part

Few days before marriage:-

    Today is sunday so as usual khushi is visiting the orphanage near by. It is her habit to visit orphanage and spend sometime with the children. May be she cant help them financially but she can help them emotinally. She will play with them, teach them how to cook and help them in studies. Today is no different, khushi is enjoying her day with children obvious to the 2 pair of eyes following her like a hawk. One pair of eyes belongs to anjali, she admired khushi for her beauty and the way she mingled with children and how they got comfortable with her.

    Suddenly a thought came into her mind, what if she became mother of avni? 

    Without wasting a minute she proceeded to talk with khushi but unfortunately khushi moved out of the orphanage as it is evening and she is having office tomorrow.

    Anjali is about to follow khushi but her driver came by getting the stuff she got for kids in the orphanage. Without choice she went inside still thinking about khushi.

    After four days,  Anjali went to temple to pray for the happiness of their family. When she entered temple she spot khushi inside the temple and praying to devimayya. Anjali observed khushi from far, how she talked to priest and how is helping to an old aunty to climb down temple steps. Again anjali impressed by khushi, she directly went to priest to get khushi details because the way both talked she knew priest know khushi details. As expected priest didnt gave details of khushi to anjali, the she told him she is her childhood friend and lost contact with her. Finally, priest gave details of khushi to anjali. She thanked him and left the temple.         

    She gave khushi working details to aman mathur, PA of ASR and asked to collect details about her, mentioning to do it without arnavs notice. A loyal aman mathur is hesitant to do it first but he cant refuse boss's sister, can he?

    Within a day she got details of khsuhi which is like she is from lucknow and her parent details. She contacted a friend from lucknow and asked her to collect details of their family and their reputation. She got a good report from there too. Without delay she took first flight to lucknow and reached to gomathi sadan(khushi's house). When first she talked about khushi marriage to them they are more than happy to get good alliance for their daughter. After facing losses in sweet shop they thought it is impossible to get good alliance for khushi. But after listening about avni being daughter of arnav, they hesitated a little bit knowing khushi didn't want to get married to  a already married man. 

     But as usual anjali made them agree by telling their financial position and how it is better opportunity to become stable again. She offered 50 lacks money to them if they make khushi to agree for the marriage but on the condition that khushi should resign her job and take care of avni in home. Guptha's thought for a file, the money anjali is offering is not a small amount for them to reject after all. With that amount they can re-establish their sweet shop again and also their financial issues will get solved and khushi also will  get married in rich family. So they agreed.

     As they planned Guptha's called khushi to lucknow and made her accept the marriage without letting her know that she is going to become second wife of arnav and mother of avni.

     Here in Raizada mansion, Anjali used avni to pursue arnav to agree for the marriage.

So, this is how they got married. 


       Both Arnav and Khushi is standing infront of  Raizada mansion  with different thoughts in mind. One is with confusion and with anger. It is time for gruhapravesh, khsushi pushed the rice bowl with her feet and took a step to enter but anjali stopped her. Everyone looked confused at her.

    "arey, why all of you looking at me like that? we have a tradition to bring bride inside home, all of you forgot?" anjali asked.

    Arnav rolled eyes at her knowing what she is implying. So, to avoid drama he turned to khushi in swift motion and picked her up in his arms. For a second he can feel khushi got stiff in his hold.

    Khushi is confused when anjali mentioned about tradition, but is more shocked when arnav lifter her in his arms and her hands automatically reached hem of his shirt.

     Every hooted seeing the couple and they completed all the remaining rituals unknown to the storm going to take place between the couple.

     Anjali took khushi to guest room to get her ready for suhaagraath(first night). Khushi is nervous thinking about it.

Suddenly a 5 years old girl with cute dimple cheeks, button nose and beautiful brown eyes came to her with lot of white roses.

Baby: welcome to home mummy!!

Khushi: mummy????

Baby (with laugh): As you married to my dad, you are my mom only right?

Khushi: Daddy???

Baby (to her self): oh bhudhu😊 didn't introduced yourself to her properly.

Baby: Hi mummy, this is Anvi Shingh Laizada daughter of great Arnav Shingh Laizada.

A nervous anjali took baby outside saying her mom is tired and she will talk to her tomorrow. When she turned around she saw a confused khushi, without giving chance to respond, she took khushi to arnav room and made her sit on the bed and left the room after saying all the best.

(Now time for World war 3)

   As in queue her husband entered inside room and locked door(khushi dont know about arnav yet).

     She climbed down the bed and stood beside bed nervously fidgeting with the edges of her dress. Entire room filled with silence, no one are ready to break it. After feels like eternity khushi started walking towards her bag to get night cloths to fresh up. She looked around to locate her bag, it is kept beside cupboard. Slowly she reached there before she touch the bag, she saw a pic kept on side table in which her husband holding a cute baby. It looked so cute. She can guess the baby is same who talked with her few minutes before. She got confused why her husband is kept the pic here, what if she is really her husbands daughter. She shrugged off the thoughts by telling herself that baby is his family. If at all he is already married her family will inform to her prior right?

        In all this thoughts she is about to touch the photo when suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist tightly and yanked her to cupboard. She looked up to see her husband looking at her with anger filled eyes and his hold is so strong that leaves  marks behind. She is confused about what make him that much angry? 

"Dont you dare to touch my belongings" he yelled at her. 

She is taken back by his voice. "but.."  she is cutoff by another loud voice of her very own husband.

"Listen to me carefully, you are here to be mother of avni. So do your job and dont disturb me" he yelled again.( thanks to sound proof walls, no one can listen him)

"mother? avni?" A confused khushi wishpered

"now dont act innocent!! you and i both know why you agreed to this marriage" he told.

"why?" she asked

"ofcourse for money dammit!! you thought i will never come to know you took money from my di to marry me, such a gold digger you are" he yelled again.

She is full confused now.

" And remember outside this room we are couple and you are mother of my daughter, but inside this room you are nothing but a care taker to my daughter. If you hurt her in anyway, i will show you hell on earth. Dont take any decisions in avni matter without asking me. Dont even dare to cross your limits" with this he throwed her on his poolside and closed the door.      


This is end of this chapter... How come Arnav came to know about money deal? Why he thought Khushi also part of it?. Will khushi accepts her fate again or she fights back for her rights? lets see in next chapter.

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