Jiju Boss

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Story continuous from NK, shyam questioning arnav about Anvitha.

"Who is Anvitha?" Shyam questioned Arnav who took a deep breath. 

"She is daughter of Aarthi Malik" Arnav declared after a minute of silence taking nk and shyam breath away. Where as lavanya is confused.

"Aarthi as in your step mother?" NK questions coming out of shock.

"Yes" Arnav nodded. All the while khushi was rubbing his arm to make him calm. Shyam sat on chair with thud. He cant believe this. NK also in same situation. The Arnav who hate very existence of aarthi malik is raising anvitha daughter.

"Where is anvitha?" Shyam questioned him.

"Anvitha di and rahul jiju died 5 years back" Khushi said sensing arnav's discomfort.

"You knew?" Lavanya questioned to which khushi nodded head in positive.

"Arnav we wont question you more if you feel uncomfortable. We trust you. We dont care if she is daughter of anvitha or someone. For us she is your daughter. But make sure not to reveal to our family. I know they are good but may be not enough to accept Aarthi related people. Knowingly or unknowingly anvitha is reason behind aravind betrayal to rathna aunty." Shyam kept his doubts in front of everyone.

"She isn't" Arnav whispered.

"Huuh?" NK looked confused.

"She isnt reason of anyone's death. She isnt reason of anyone's pain. She isnt reason of anyone misfortune. She is reason of my happiness. She is reason of my smile. She is reason behind me becoming ASR. She is reason i got father love from rahul jiju. She is reason i got avni." Arnav continued. 

"Nannav" NK kept hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, she is aarthi daughter but she is not like aarthi. She is calm, polite, innocent, lovely and she have golden heart. She is my second mother and rahul jiju is my father. They have supported me in every bloody situation of my life." Arnav said.

"How do you know them?" Shyam questioned him.

Arnav explained them about how he met them, how they stayed in garden house, about his US life when he attended college, sheethal, kailash and most importantly rahul. He said about avni. Lastly he said about their death, how cruelly a mother killed her child. How he sent them behind bars for 5 years. 

Everyone got tears in their eyes listening to anvitha and rahul death. They saw how much arnav loves them in his eyes. Whole raizada family tried to heal arnav wounds but they failed miserably but rahul succeeded. He became a father to arnav, they felt proud of rahul. They cursed aarthi for killing two selfless souls.

"I wont leave that bastar***. I will kill those two with my bare hands" NK Shouted visibly shaking in anger.

"How can someone be so insensitive?" La said rubbing NK hand to calm him down. Shyam is in state of shock to react. 

"Arnav" Shyam whispered and hugged him. He always treated arnav as his brother than brother-in-law. He got married to anjali 8 years back. That time arnav was in states. By the time arnav came back he was already father to avni. He supported arnav when everyone didnt accepted avni at first. He never imagined there will be heart wrenching pain behind arnav's smile. 

"Chote..." They all turned to see a teary mess anjali standing at the entrance of room. Everyone rooted to spot seeing her. By her condition they know she heard everything. Anjali always loved her parents, she never blamed them for anything. Only complain she had about them is their ignorance towards arnav. She blamed aarthi and her daughter for the death of her parents. 

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