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Story continuous from arnav leaving avni and khushi in pool.

Arnav came out of washroom only to find his room empty. He looked in pool but they are not there. He smiled and went to avni room from attached poolside door. He saw both of them sleeping on bed after changing into fresh clothes. 

"Hey babies" He said but they didnt responded, they both turned faces to other side.

"Are my angels angry on me?" He asked again keeping hand on chin like thinking. They are already half melt with his endearments but still they kept poker face.

"Ohh seems they dont want to talk with me. I am sorry" He said holding his ears in apology. Avni and khushi looked at each other without responding to him.

"Fine, if you both dont want to talk to me, i am going to arav and my first wife" He teased them knowing it will work. Avni only understood arnav is going to arav but khushi knows he is referring sheethal as first wife. Both mother and daughter became red with jealous.

"Papa, you are gone" Saying avni jumped on him, started hitting his chest with her little fists.

"ok baba stop it. I was just teasing you" he said holding her hands.

"Say sorry then only i will stop hitting you." She demanded.

"Baby i am ASR, how can i say sorry?" He teased her.

"I am also ASR. You can say sorry to me. Or else i wont talk with you" Avni said turning to other side.

"Ok madam. I am sorry. Please forgive your papa" He said earning a giggle from her.

"Now say sorry to mumma" She demanded.

"She is not ASR" he said looking at khushi who is trying to keep angry face but failing miserably.

"Because she is My mother means ASR mother. We are angry on you for not helping us in pool" Avni said, arnav chuckled remembering their face minutes back. Avni narrowed eyes towards him seeing his chuckle.

"Ok ASR. I am sorry. I am sorry ASR mother" He said joining hands infront of them making them laugh.

"Thank god." He said lying on bed beside khushi and made avni lye on his chest. 

"Daddy shall i come to office tomorrow evening after school?" She asked him. Khushi also looked curious.

"Why baby?" He asked.

"I want to meet mumma friend." She replied.

"I will invite them to home for dinner next sunday" Arnav said.

"Ok, thank you so much. Love you" She said dropping a kiss cheek and rested her head again on his chest. Khushi is feeling soo content seeing them laughing together without any worries. 

"Good night mummy" avni said holding khushi hand. Soon she drifted into peaceful sleep.

Once arnav confirmed she slept, he carefully lift her and made her sleep on bed. Khushi kept her favorite teddy near her and covered her with duvet. 

Khushi entered their room ignoring arnav. He came after her and held her hand from behind. 

"Arnavji, go to your first wife" She said.

"I am already with my one and only wife" He said.

"Leave me" She tried to get her hand out of his grip.

"Never in this life" He replied huskily, he slowly pulled her near him. Khushi's breath hitched seeing there is no distance between them. Arnav slowly wrapped his hand behind her waist pulling her closer if possible.

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