Confused Khushi

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Story starts from khushi visiting home. Coming out of home she saw an ice-cream shop across the road and walked towards shop. But she missed to notice a car coming towards her direction.

One of the guards noticed car and shouted her name.

"Khushi mam, Car" Hearing him khushi turned to see the direction he is pointing out. Panic started raising in khushi, her brain is telling her to move but her body is numb and reaction-less. She doesnt want to give up but her body is not in her control right now. She can feel her time is up. So, she just closed her eyes welcoming death.

After what felt like ages, she opens eyes as she didnt felt any pain to only get lost in chocolate brown orbs. All she can see in those beautiful eyes are fear, anger, care, affection, lo...

"Thum teek ho? (Are you ok?)" Arnav's famous dialogue disturbed her. She looked around to find they are at side of road, and she is being lifted by waist, her both hands are around arnav's neck. 

Is she ok? she questioned herself. Why she is feeling like world should stop moving so she can immerse herself into arnav eyes. 

"Khushi, are you ok?" Arnav disturbed her thoughts again and this time she nodded her head.

He made her stood straight. She is still in daze. 

"Cant you be little bit serious. Why cant you see vehicles while crossing road dammit. Why cant you use your brain atleast once dammit. What if something happened to you? " Arnav started ranting his fears. 

Khushi became silent hearing his shout. There is nothing new in arnav scolding her but today for the first time she felt different. She can be able to see concern behind his rudeness.

"Why are you........" Arnav was cut off by his phone ring. He opened it to see a message from the same number he got earlier. He fisted his phone in anger. He needs to do something on it.

"Sorry" Khushi's apology brought him back to present. 

"Actually, i thought to buy ice-cream for kids" Khushi added thinking he is still angry on her.

"Mohan(Driver) go and bring two ice-creams" Arnav ordered his driver.

"Chocolate flavor" Khushi added making him roll eyes.

"Lets go" arnav told and got into car followed by khushi.

Khushi is silent throughout the ride whereas arnav made some phone calls.

Arnav was first one to get down car and he went straight to study room.

He locked door and saw remaining two people are already there. 

"What happened arnav why you called us urgently that too without letting anyone know."  Shyam questioned him.

Arnav went towards them (lavanya and shyam) and showed his phone, particularly the messages he received.

Message at 4:00 PM:

    "Save your wife, if possible. You have only 20 min. 🕟🕟"

Message at 4:25PM:(exactly after saving khushi from car)

    "Good catch. This shows how much you love your second wife. Better luck next time" 

"What the hell? Who is this?" Shyam shouted in anger.

"How is khushi?" Lavanya asked.

Arnav explained his side of story how he got message while he is in meeting, how he went to home to see khushi and almost car accident.

Both shyam and lavanya sighed in relief. Khushi is safe.

"Who is behind this?" Lavanya questioned herself.

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