Her Confession

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Story continuous from sheethal entry.

Whole RM went silent hearing sheethal claiming herself as ASR's wife.

Sheethal entered in living hall to see everyone standing there. No one knows how to react.

"Who are you? My mother is standing right here. Dont you dare to say this kind of jokes again" Avni reacted thinking this new aunty is joking.

"Avni baby, i missed you so much" Sheethal told and moved near to hug her but avni went and hid behind khushi.

Arnav signaled HP to take kids to their room. Sheethal felt hurt seeing avni moving away but she composed soon and turned to arnav. She went near arnav, hugged him and whispered something in his ear making his blood boil.

"Arnav, i missed you too" She told but neither he replied nor looked at her. 

"Who are you? Hello hi bye bye" Mami asked her coming out of shock.

"Oh sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Sheethal ASR. We were married seven years ago when we were studying in Harvard." Sheethal told sweetly.

"Then where were you till now?" Anjali asked her.

"We were separated due to some misunderstanding." she replied keeping her head low.

"And what is that misunderstanding? Arnav said his first wife died" Shyam asked narrowing his eyes towards her.

"Ohh, actually we didnt plan to marry first. But we dont have other way when i conceived. We got married but i was immature that time. I pestered him to abort child but he didnt listened due to which i ignored avni and arnav. He left me" Sheethal explained but still shyam is not convinced. Arnav is not a guy who can do this type of things.

"Ok then will do DNA test first" Shyam suggested. Sheethal nodded head silently.

"No need. What she is saying is right" Told arnav looking at khushi, he can see hurt on her face. But he cant able to do anything.

"Thanks ASR" Sheethal told.

"You didnt listened to me? You were my past. Get out from here" Arnav told with hatred.

"I am sorry arnav. Please forgive me" Sheethal pleaded but he didnt showed interest in it.

"Chote forgive her. She is saying sorry na" Anjali support her making everyone stun. 

(Anjali thoughts are simple. when she thought avni's mother died, she choose khushi for her. Now sheethal is here to take care of her own daughter.)

"Chii, anjali you disgust me" shyam told. Out of everyone he didnt expected anjali to say this. Didnt she literally buy khushi because she liked her.

"I want my chote and avni happiness. Thats it. come sheethal ji" Anjali went upstairs taking sheethal with her.

Elders left from there thinking about new storm. Shyam went near arnav.

"Arnav dont leave khushi's hand." Shyam told and left from there.

Lavanya kept hand on khushi shoulder for support. How hurt khushi felt is un-explainable when anjali accepted sheethal. Was she a toy to purchase when anjali liked her and to dump when new toy comes. Khushi left from there to avni room, only avni can relax her heart. Arnav left from there thinking how to pass this storm.

Except kids no one had dinner that night. Khushi spent all her time with avni, its like if she leave avni for a moment, sheethal will snatch her.

Next day at breakfast table:-

Everyone settled on their place except arshi and avni. Arnav is in his room thinking something. Avni and khushi came down. Everyone had gloomy look on their face except anjali and sheethal.

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