After Effects

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Story continuous from drunk khushi saying "earth missing beneath my feat".

"What?" Three perfect O's formed on arnav's face hearing her.

"Earth arnavji, matha earth is missing beneath my feet. It is there under your feet. see" Khushi told pointing towards arnav legs. Arnav felt like banging his head somewhere very hard.

"Idiot, thats because you are in my arms" he told her.

"Ohh, why am i in your arms?" She asked again.

"God khushi. Shut up for some time." He scolded her.

"Please tell na arnavji. Please. By answering me your big size ego wont get hurt na" She pleaded with pout.

"Ok, your head is paining so i am helping you" He told.

"haha arnavji. You know i wont walk with head." She giggled.

"haan, tho? (so?)"

"Ayyo bhudhu arnavji, if head is paining i can walk with legs right. Why are you carrying me?" She questioned him.

"E ladki aaj mujhe pagal karke hi chodegi(this girl will make me mad today)" Arnav murmured without answering.

"Arnavji please talk something. I am getting bored" Khushi told after settling in car. 

"Khushiji please shut up. I am getting irritated" Arnav told with same tone khushi used.

"And i love to irritate you" Khushi told and slept on his hand.

Arnav thanked his stars and drove back to home. He carried khushi and tucked her in bed.

"You stored this much frustration inside khushi? unbelievable you are. This is my first success. I will wait for the day when you repeat all this things in perfect sense." He told kissing her forehead.

Next day is saturday. So no office....... no school.

Arnav was first one to get up, he looked at khushi who is sleeping peacefully. He proceeded to start his day with morning routine.

He took bath and came out, by now khushi is sitting on bed with both hands covering her face.

"Arnavji, what happened yesterday?" Khushi asked him as soon as she spot him. But he didnt answered her.

"Arnavji" Khushi called him again but he didnt responded, its like she doesnt exist to him.

"Arnavji i am talking with you only?" Khushi told coming front of him.

"You are calling me arnavji? But last time it was ARROGANT singh raizada" he told with serious face.

"Did i called you that?" Khushi asked with scared look.

"Yes, You called me with many names" He looked at her sharply.


"So, i am arrogant, idiot, bossy, stupid and heartless" Saying this he took steps towards her while she moved back her back hit wall. Now she is trapped.

"Really, i told that many truths yesterday?" Khushi asked and clicked her tongue for another slip.

Arnav gave her death glare.

"So, that was true?" He asked again.

"I dont know what happened to me yesterday" She told smiling awkwardly.

"Tell me what is the last thing you remembered?" He questioned her.

"You were praising Mrs. Shasthri. Then"

"Mrs. Shasthri, you mean that arrogant old lady?" He interrupted and questioned her with raised eyebrow.

"How do you know?" She asked keeping hands on mouth.

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