Angry Wife

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Story continuous from end of avni birthday celebrations. 

Next day being sunday no one had interest to do anything. Day gone in taking rest. 

Monday everyone started their routine. Kids went to school, elders reached to their respective work places. 

Its afternoon, everyone decides to have lunch in ASR cabin. 

"ASR, vikram mehtha is missing from yesterday evening" Aman said everyone looked at him shocked except arnav.

"Ok" Arnav said calmly.

"Arnav, you did that?" NK questioned him seeing his casual behavior.

"Common NK, yesterday fully i was with our family. I didnt even know the news till aman says. Also if i get hands on him, he wont be alive" Arnav said casually yet dangerously.

"Then who did this?" Aman questioned. 

"There are many chances. Who knows how many lives he spoiled. Might be one of them" Arnav said and concentrated on lunch. Everyone got convinced but khushi. Her heart is telling there is something arnav is hiding from them.

Everyone left his cabin after completing lunch leaving khushi and arnav alone.

"Arnavji, you kidnapped him?" she questioned gathering her courage. He looked at her confusingly.

"No" Arnav said looking into file.

"I have a strong feeling that this is done by you." Khushi said further.

"Why do you think so?" He asked shifting concentration towards her.

"First of all, you and kamal were talking in code language about PROBLEM. Second you were so cool when i shown you that anonymous message. And last, except you no one will dare to fight with Mehtha's" Khushi kept her points.

"So, you think i like fights?" He questioned.

"You are diverting topic arnavji. I need correct answer" She said folding hands near her chest.

"You are not going to leave it. do you?" He glared at her though she got scared, she kept brave face.

"I dont want to compel you. But..."She was cutoff by arnav.

"But that little curious khushi baby wants to know" He teased her, she pouted in return.

"Please na.." She asked cutely.

"Every time, this cute face is not going to help" He said coming near her. 

"okok, i will tell" He said seeing her sad face.

"I have kidnapped vikram but he is under kamal clutches." He said calmly.

"What? Kamal? Why? Who? When?" She asked flabbergasted.

"What the!! Ask remaining "WH" questions also." He said rolling eyes.

"Continue please" She urged him.

"Ok fine, Kamal is my friend kailash" He disclosed.

"Devimayya" Khushi exclaimed. 

"We decided to split and attack on enemies. Though we are strong, maliks and mehtha's are having more illegal contacts. So, kailash created a fake profile. I have helped him to get job in avni school. We know vikram men are watching him, we created a play like kamal wants to take away avni. That fool in his lust didnt even thought logically, he fell into our trap. He befriended kailash. As planned we waited for opportunity and kidnapped him. Even his brother wont be able to find out who kidnapped him." He said proudly.

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