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Story continuous from sheethal giving gift to avni on her birthday.

Sheethal fumed towards royal ignorance she received from avni. 

"Mumma, what's special today?" Avni asked with so much excitement.

"Jilebi" khushi said showing full bowl of jalebi's which she made specially for avni.

"wow, awesome." Avni said taking one jilebi and relishing it.

"Slowly avi, no one is going to snatch it from you" Khushi said ruffling her hair.

"Avni see i made pancakes for you." Sheethal said placing plate full of pancakes infront of her.

"And i made your favorite aloo parotha" Anjali said.

"What about kheer?" Avni questioned them.

"Its ready avi" Khushi said. 

"Avni, seriously you are going to eat all of them?" Arav asked with open mouth.

"Yes" Avni replied excitedly.

"Avni first eat this pancakes, i am sure you wont have anything after that" Sheethal told forwarding plate.

"Hmm. Sorry aunty but i want to have jilebi and kheer. Thanks for your effort" Avni denied politely. 

"But taste it atleast" Sheethal said.

"I dont want to eat them. And I dont want to repeat this sentence again." Avni said in ASR tone making elders chuckle. Arnav was on cloud nine hearing her reply. This is how he wants avni to be, he dont want her to trust bad people easily. He want avni to be a tough nut. 

"Arnavji, why are you chuckling. Avi is disrespecting elders. Its not good" Khushi said which is only audible to him.

"Common love, she is doing right. Are you going serve me anything or not?" He said diverting topic. Khushi served him kheer which is his favorite.

"Hmmm, tasty. Avi is so right. You have magic in your hands" Arnav praised making her blush.

"Mumma, have this" Saying avni fed jilebi to khushi.

"See, how much she loves khushi. This is first time i am seeing avni sharing food with someone other than chote" Nani said.

"Thats magic of khushi naniji." Shyam said.

"Hope no one cast evil eye on her happiness" Mama said looking at sheethal.

"Dont worry, i know how to protect mumma" Saying avni ran to kitchen. Everyone are curious to know what she is up to. 

She came back with salt and red chilli, she circled them in front of khushi the same way daily khushi will do to remove evil eye on avni. Everyone are speechless to even speak a word.

"Nothing will happen to mumma" Saying avni hugged khushi. Khushi wiped corner of her eyes and hugged her back. Few months back her life was hopeless but this little girl filled her life with lots of love. 

"I love you avi" Khushi whispered. Arnav kept hand on her shoulder understanding her.

"Ok, avi now come and finish breakfast. We need to go to temple" Arnav said, he fed avni.

"ASR, i need to go to office" Lavanya said remembering arnav words of engaging sheethal today with work.

"ok, take driver. Complete work early."  Arnav said.

"But papa, la aunty should attend party right?" Avni asked him.

"I will be back before you notice baby girl" La said.

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