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Story continuous from arnav and his gang returning from the spot arthi has been kept.

Its 3 in afternnon when they reached home. Kailash directly went to his flat. He dont want anyone to know that he is arnav's friend yet and also being avni teacher he can spend time with her. Remaining reached home and decided to have late lunch.

"Arnav where are you at throwing your first wife out of RM?" Nani asked arnav in sarcastic voice.

"Nani wohh.." Arnav stammered with sudden question.

"I know your answer. You are not at all concentrating on her. Dont take her easily, i can see how dangerous she is. I dont want avni or khushi to get hurt. For fact i dont want any one of my family to get hurt." Nani said.

"Nani, I am happy that you care about us. But one question is bugging my mind. Can i ask you?" He took permission as he knows the topic he is going to touch is very sensitive. Nani nodded head giving permission to him to proceed.

"My father was with two women, because of arthi your daughter killed herself. You hate arthi and anvitha so much. Like my father i married two women. Avni is sheethal daughter, will you hate her in future? I know somewhere you feel khushi is like rathna ma" Arnav asked confidently.

"Khushi is not rathna" Nani answered taking sometime.

"But.." Nani showed hand indicating him to stop.

"I dont hate anvitha but i dont like her either. I just dont like to talk about her. Its totally rathna's fault. We heard rumor's about your dad being in love before marriage, i requested your grand father to enquire about him but your mother stopped us. She didnt listened to us and married him. He was nice until his father was alive. He likes anjali but he never cared about you. You know why he dont like you?" Nani questioned, arnav nodded head in no. Mama, mami, anjali, shaym, NK and lavanya also looked at her for answers.

"Because for him you are remembrance of his father. You got his father features, you look exactly like your grand father. And he really hates him. I had a fight with him and rathna regarding this, i explained them how baseless this is. But they never cared. Rathna was blind in your fathers love. That is the reason i never visited lucknow. I cant just see you in pain. On the day of anjali marriage everything changed." Nani took gap.

"Arthi destroyed everything. Truly in corner of my heart i am happy that happened" Nani confessed making them gasp. 

"Yes, i know one day arthi will surely destroy them. I warned rathna but there was no use. She is a selfish and spineless women where as aravind also same. I am happy on that day because you came out of hell. Parents are blessing to a child but for you they are nothing but monsters." Nani said taking his hand.

"Coming to your question, i dont hate anvitha. I dont like to take her name thats it. I dont want to think bad about her, after all she is kid like you and anjali. I just hope arthi's bad influence wont spoil her life. I know you married two women but circumstances are different. You are not like your father, you never took advantage of women. I know you love khushi truly. I can see cunningness in sheethal eyes. Avni is an angel, she is not like sheethal but khushi. There is no chance for someone hating avni" Nani said making everyone smile except arnav.

"Avni is anvitha di's daughter" Arnav confessed closing his eyes. Everyone are shocked hearing it. Though his gang know about it, they never expected him to confess it. 

"What?" Mama exclaimed.

 "Yes, i didnt married sheethal" He said.

"Then why she said she is avni's mother? why you agreed that she is your first wife? Who is she to you?" Mami shoot her questions.

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