True trust

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Story continuous from anu hurting rahul by saying him to marry again.

"Di dont cry. Will say sorry to jiju. Please dont repeat this again. Jiju wont be able to live without you" Arnav consoled anu and went to living room. They saw rahul sitting on sofa with sad face. Both brother and sister went and sat beside him.

"Rahulji, i am sorry. Please forgive me for this time. I wont repeat this" Anu apologized. Though rahul got convinced he kept neutral face.  

"Jiju Please forgive her" Arnav supported her.

"Aru dont support her, how can she ask me to marry again? How can i live without your di? I am not angry on her aru, i am hurt. I loved her from 18 years aru, she didnt understood my love. How can she ask me to go to another women that too for kids. How can she think so low of me?" Rahul uttered with painful look. Anu lowered her head with tears not knowing how to explain herself.

"Jiju, she is just worried about you. She wants you to have family and kids. You know about her selflessness right?" Arnav tried to convince him.

"Aru whatever you say i am not going to talk her." Rahul told and left from there.

"Di, you dont worry. He is hurt, he will come around." Arnav consoled her. They planned few things to melt his anger.

Next day rahul woke up only to find his full room decorated with sticky notes saying "sorry". He rolled eyes knowing who did this. He went to washroom, it is also in same condition. Every wall has "sorry" on it with smiley emoji drawn. Rahul smiled inwardly and finished his business and came to living hall. Living hall is decorated with flowers and balloons and a big sorry on wall. 

"Sorry" Anu told coming from kitchen placing his favorite dishes on dining table. Arnav was tagging her along.

Rahul silently went and sat on his chair. He served himself methi parota( is a dish, very famous and healthy). When he is about to have first bite arnav took hold of his hand and ate it.

"Di, its super. Your hands have some magic" Arnav praised relishing it, rahul rolled eyes.

Rahul teared another piece to have but this time anu took hold of his hand and ate it.

"Yes aru, its nice" Anu commented.

"Idiots, if you want to eat, You can serve yourself right? Why are you snatching my food?" Rahul finally scolded them. 

"Taste will get doubled while eating from your hand" Both told making him smile. He started feeding them and himself.

"Idiots" He muttered and got up to go but anu stopped him by holding his hand.

"I am really sorry" Anu told cutely, rahul smiled at her.

"Dont be so good, people will take advantage of it. Never ever say we dont have kids. Arnav is there for us. He will always be our kid. We need to take care of him, together we need to support him in future, we need to search a bride for him, we need take care of his kids." Rahul said kissing her forehead. 

"We are so lucky to have you in our lives" Anu told and hugged him followed by arnav. 

"Acha aru tell me, which type of girl you want to marry?" Rahul changed topic seeing them emotional.

"Who ever you choose i will marry her without questioning" Arnav told with slight blush.

"Wahh!!! My dear aru is blushing. What a day" Rahul teased him. Arnav hugged anu in shyness.

"Rahulji, dont tease him" Anu told.

"I am not teasing him anu, i am serious." Rahul told with smile.

"Jiju i am late for college. Bye" Arnav told hurriedly and went away.

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