Mature Avni

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Story continuous from arshi and avni meeting kamal when they went to jog.

They returned back and did their morning routine. Khushi helped avni to get ready as they planned to go orphanage today. Meanwhile arnav got ready to office. They together went downstairs to have breakfast.

They saw everyone already present there, they went and sat on respective chairs. 

"Good morning, bade nani" Avni wished nani.

"Good morning avni beta." Nani replied kissing her forehead.

"Manu nani good morning. where is nana?" Avni asked manorama.

"He still sleeping beta. Your grandpa is very lazy" Manorama said making avni smile.

"La aunty you look beautiful today. Morning bua, phupha" She wished them.

"Aww baby is in good mood today." Lavanya said pinching her cheeks.

"Yes, we went to jogging. We met kamal sir there. Mummy is taking me out today" Avni informed everyone. 

"Angel, you didnt wished me today. I am hurt" Nk said keeping a cry face.

"Aww, chachu. You are here? I thought sharukh khan was sitting there" Avni buttered him making everyone open their mouths in shock.

"Oh my angel. I love you so much" NK said with bright smile.

"Khushi, stop avni from seeing bollywood movies." Arnav said in khushi's ear.

"Arnavji, dont say anything on movies. I love them" She said making arnav face palm.

"Seems, i need to manage two kids from now on" Arnav muttered under his breath.

"Avni, you didnt wished me too" Sheethal said grabbing everyone's attention. 

"Oh god. Aunty is that you?" Avni said, sheethal thought she will praise her.

"I thought witch" Avni said breaking into fits of laughter. Everyone suppressed smile seeing sheethal face.


"Leave it khushi. She said truth only" Arnav said stopping khushi from scolding Avni.

"But, sheethal is elder to her" Khushi said.

"Khushi, avni knows how to behave with whom. Just now she praised NK because she knows NK is good person unlike sheethal. Dont stop her. Teach her to respect good people. And also whatever you do she wont give respect to sheethal because she saw sheethal trying to harm you. Dont stress yourself" Arnav said and got up finishing his toast.

"Khushi, be careful. Call me if you need anything." Arnav said taking his coat and kissing avni & arav forehead.

"Bye papa, love you. While coming back bring me chocolates" Avni said making him smile. Soon kids finished their breakfast.

"Mumma, we will go pack few things for kids in home" Saying avni dragged arav and went away.

"See anjali, khushi is turning avni against me" Sheethal started her drama as soon as avni disappeared from her sight.

"Or else what, is this what you will teach to kids khushi? How irresponsible you are? I thought you are good person but no. You are spoiling my grand child." Mami said winking at khushi, everyone understood mami gesture. 

"Mamiji" Khushi said.

"Stop it khushi. Till now i thought you will be a good mother to avni. But You failed. Now, i understood what anjali was saying from starting. I am going to support sheethal bitiya from now on" Mami said effortlessly.

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