Drunk Khushi

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Story continuous from arshi reaching party venue.

"Khushi, everyone in AR knows we are husband and wife so behave well today" Arnav opening window for her. 

"And dont roam around and no talking to strangers" He told strictly to which khushi nodded head.

They both started walking inside grabbing everyone's attention. They are looking perfect together. Some are admiring them, and few are envying them. Arnav cared less because he is habituated to their looks. 

"Hi Mr. & Mrs. ASR" Aman was the first one to greet them.

"Hi" Khushi told but arnav just nodded head.

Arnav went from there to talk with some clients.

"Mrs. Khushi, how is avni?" Aman asked her.

"She is fine. Please call me khushi." Khushi told to him.

"This party is kind of boring" Khushi confessed because from last 10 min all she did was to say hi to people who she dont even know.

"Yes, look there my wife came. You can talk with her." Aman told pointing a girl who is wearing blue saree. 

Khushi went speechless seeing her here, that too as aman wife.

"This is my wife preethi. Preethi this is Mrs. Khushi ASR" Aman introduced them.

"Preethi, thum?(you?)" Khushi asked coming out of shock. (Guys remember preethi is khushi's childhood friend, who sent video of khushi parents talking about truth to khushi.)

"Khushi, i missed you so much" Preethi hugged her making aman confuse.

"You didnt tell me you got married?" Khushi questioned her.

"Thats a long story but in short amanji and me loved each other, our family didnt agreed because amanji has no one in his life. So, we eloped and got married" Preethi told in one go.

"You both know each other before?" aman questioned them.

"Yes, we are friends from childhood" Khushi answered him.

"Thats good" Commented arnav who listened their conversation.

"Jiju, khushi jiju is looking so handsome" Preethi told excitedly making khushi blush.

"Preethi" Aman told in warning tone; he knows how much chatterbox she can be.

"Aman, as khushi's sister/friend i have right to call him jiju. Right arnav jiju?" She asked again looking at arnav.

"Yes you can call me jiju." Arnav liked her bubbliness.

"Yeah, see i won." She raised collar looking at aman.

"Aman come with me, i need to discuss something important" Arnav told to aman after that they went away.

"Khushi? How is life? Is arnav jiju taking good care of you? He is not like your parents, right? He is good person, right?" Preethi throwed all her questions to khushi.

"Calm down pagli. I wont run away from here. OK. Yes, arnavji is good person. He is taking care of me." Khushi answered her. 

"Thank god, i was so scared for your life. What about your in-laws?" She asked again.

"All are good, everyone loves me. Especially Avni." Khushi told with smile.

"Avni?" Preethi asked with question mark face.

"Yes, my daughter. I mean arnavji's daughter" Khushi told with low tone.

"Arnavji was married before?" preethi asked shocked.

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