Arnav's Attempts

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Story continuous from khushi, lavanya and avni going out for shopping. They decided to eat something as avni is hungry. Currently they are in restaurant in mall.

"Avi, what do you want to eat?" Khushi asked avni.

"Hmm, pizza and ice-cream" Avni told after thinking for few minutes.

"No junk food" Khushi told strictly.

"Please mummy, only today please please" Avni told kissing khushi's cheek. 

"Avni, only this time." Khushi approved her.

"yehhh" Avni jumped and went with lavanya to get food for them.

Khushi's thoughts drifted back to her parents who not even one time called her after marriage. They didnt even cared to ask how she is? When did they become selfish? or She is seeing their real face now? Whatever may be the reason truth is "they didn't care about her". They took advantage of her innocence. Their one decision pushed her into an unwanted, complicated marriage.  Will she ever be able to be happy in this life?

These thoughts brought tears in her eyes which she didnt noticed. A little hand wiped her tears.

"Mummy why are crying? You are sad that i didnt listened to you. Dont be sad, i wont eat pizza and ice-cream. Dont cry" Avni told whatever her little brain capable to thinking.

Khushi looked at avni who is already having tears in her eyes. Surely, she is so matured to her age. She loves khushi to sky, there is no doubt in it. She is even ready sacrifice anything for khushi. This bought smile on her face. Her parents and anjali who know everything about her bought pain to her, but this little innocent angel gave her reason to smile. Then and there she decided her priority. 

"No baby, mummy is not sad because you want to eat junk food. I was thinking about my parents" Khushi replied to her.

"You are missing them?" Avni asked her.

"No, just remembering them. Now, lets eat food or else elephants will run in your stomach" Khushi told and nodded her towards lavanya in assuring manner.

They had their food and went to select dressed for lavanya. After that they selected some chudidhars for khushi. Then they went to select saree for khushi for party. 

Khushi wants something decent in low cost whereas avni want her mummy to look extraordinary in party. Hunt for beautiful saree continued for another hour. Finally, khushi's eyes fell on a beautiful black and red designer saree. 

(Feel free to imagine your favorite color or sarees here

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(Feel free to imagine your favorite color or sarees here. I like red and black combo vvverymuch.)

Khushi walked near salesperson and asked for price of saree, She got disappointed hearing cost of saree. She cant afford it. She came back and sat with lavanya who is engrossed in saree selection.

"Mummy, see that saree is nice" Avni shouted grabbing everyone's attention in store.

"Sorry" Khushi mumbled awkwardly.

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