Heart to Heart

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Story continuous from vikram planning something against arshi.

In AR:- 

"Khushi, come to my cabin" Arnav said and disconnected call. A confused khushi came to his cabin immediately.

"Arnav sir, you called me?" She asked once she stepped in after knocking door twice.

"What the!!!" He exclaimed.

"What happened sir?" She asked confused.

"What the hell khushi? From when i became SIR for you?" He asked irritated. Khushi chuckled seeing his expressions.

"Sir, This is something called professionalism sir" She said increasing his irritation.

"Khushi stop it" He warned her.

"Stop what SIR?" She acted innocent. 

"So, you want to play?" He said coming dangerously close towards her. Within seconds he trapped her in between him and table. He kept hands on either side of her.

"Sir, what are you doing? Leave me? This is inappropriate" She said stuttering.

 "Is it?" He asked raising one eye-brow. She nodded head unable to form words in his proximity.

"Khushi why are you calling me sir?" He asked huskily, he is almost breathing on her lips. She totally came into his spell.

"I like to irritate you arnavji. Your annoying face gives me peace" She blurted out making him smirk. She came out of his trance seeing his smirk.

"Arnavji, this is cheating" She complained trying to push him.

"Dont underestimate me Mrs. Arnav singh raizada" He said kissing her nose making her blush.

"Arnavji, this is office" She said shyly.

"You confessed you like to irritate me second time you know" He said remembering her *I love to irritate you* statement when she was drunk. She tried to remember when she told other time.

"You said it when you were drunk" He reminded seeing her struggle.

"hmm" She said while playing with his shirt button.

"Is it true?" He asked.

"yes" She said with small smile.

"Then it is also true that i am arrogant, egoistic, heartless and idiot?" He asked again making her look up straight into his eyes.

"No arnavji, you are not any of that. You are not heartless, you have a very beautiful heart. That time i was drunk" She said without stammering.

"But i like that drunk khushi. Why cant you drink again?" He said making her open eyes widely.

"Arnavji, please forget about that day. Pretty please." She pleaded him cutely holding his waist coat lapels.

"Not possible love, it is one of best day of my life" He said making her blush again at his endearment.

"Khushi are you happy with me?" He asked making her confuse. Why is he asking it suddenly.

"What happened arnavji?" She questioned back.

"Answer me honestly khushi please. I loved you from first sight itself but it took me so much time to approach you due to my fears and insecurities. When i thought to approach you, anjali di brought alliance and due to avni's stubbornness i agreed not knowing its you. You know why i didnt tried to pursue you? or fight for my love?" He asked, she nodded head in no. 

"I was afraid. In that one year i have observed you being carefree, innocent. Though you were 24, you are just like avni in heart. I am a beast khushi, an arrogant, bossy and egoistic. And i have avni in my life, i am very protective and possessive towards her. A small mistake with avni is enough for me to become monster. I was afraid, i dont want you to trap in this web. I dont want to hurt you. I know once you came into my life you will be burdened with many responsibilities. That is why i didnt approached you." He clarified.

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