Arnav's Secret Love

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Story starts from arnav venting out all anger on khushi after seeing avni in lavanya's lap. Arnav went out leaving khushi to cry her heart out. 

Khushi's Thoughts:

Why arnavji?

What mistake i did?

I accepted avni as my daughter wholeheartedly. Why cant you believe me?

If not as your wife atleast you can treat me as a human?

How to gain your trust?

I thought for sometime and decided to tell him truth of our marriage deal. Atleast after that he will be able to trust me.

Without second thoughts i stood up and took my phone to show him video, i started searching him. He is not in avni's room, his office room, terrace. 

I started moving forward when i heard voices from anjali room, i went near door and about to knock but stopped hearing my name in their conversation. Though, I am not intended to eavesdrop but i dont have a choice.


"Shyamji, what will happen if arnav comes to know i gave money to khushi parents for their marriage?" Anjali sounded worried.

"What, you did what?" Shock would be an understandable for shyam hearing his wife words. 

"Actually i saw khushi in an orphanage, i liked her instantly. When i approached her parents to ask her hand for marriage, initially they didnt agreed because arnav is already married and have a daughter. But i offered them 50 lacks in return if they agree, already their sweetshop is in losses so they agreed. Two days before marriage only they informed khushi, without telling about money deal." Anjali took pause.

"Being obedient, khushi agreed without any fuss, where as avni made arnav agree to marriage by doing hunger strike." Finally anjali confessed her deed to her husband.

Shyam sat on bed with thud without knowing what to do. He took few minutes to compose himself.

"Are you out of your mind anjali, what if arnav comes to know this? More worst what if he thinks khushi is also part of this deal. You just now saw how he behaved with lavanya. Can you imagine what he will do to khushi?" Shyam yelled in anger.

"Please shyamji, forgive me. That time only arnav and avni's happiness mattered to me most. I didnt thought of all this." Anjali told in tears.

"Then what about khushi? Being a women how can you do this to another women? Her parents and you did business with her life, self respect, happiness. How can you stoop so low?" Shyam is no where to stop. 

Shyam is not extrovert, he liked khushi as a sister from starting. He is an orphan, he dont know about his parents. Somehow he managed to get degree with part time jobs and scholarships. While he is working as junior lawyer he met anjali and instantly fell in love. Raizada family accepted him with open arms. 

They requested him to stay in RM because they cant leave anjali. Though he dindt accepted it at first, he cant reject seeing how much avni and arnav needs anjali. 

Whenever he sees arnav and anjali, he will crave for a sister. When he saw khushi for first time he decided to protect and pamper her like a brother. But he failed to protect her from his own wife. 

"How can you be so insensitive anjali? I am going to tell truth to arnav?" Shyam told with determination.

"No shyamji, i beg you please dont do that. If arnav comes to know truth he will hate me. I cant see hate in his eyes. After our parents death, he is all i have. He is my first child, I cant live without talking to him. " Anjali pleaded holding her hands together. 

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