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Story continuous from arnav and kailash conversation.

He spent sometime with avni, they had dinner together and khushi made avni sleep. She tucked her on bed and covered her with blanket. After making sure avni is good, she went to her room, she saw arnav sleeping on bed with closed eyes. 

She went to washroom, changed into night clothes. She came near bed and laid on her side. 

Arnav slowly wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer. 

"Arent you sleeping arnavji?" She asked shocked.

"How can i sleep without my wife in my arms?" He said huskily to which her heart started racing. Blush creeped on her face.

"Is your leg still paining?" He asked getting up to examine her legs but she stopped him.

"You cant touch my feet" She said making him roll her eyes.

"Why cant i?" He questioned her.

"Because i am your wife. Husband cant touch wife feet" She said adamantly.

"Is it? Ok leave it tell me, i am your husband which gave me full rights on your heart, soul and body right?" He questioned to which she nodded confusedly.

"That means your heart, soul and body are totally mine right?" He questioned.

"Yes" She replied.

"Then i am touching something which is totally belongs to me, whats wrong in that?" He questioned making her bewildered. She didnt thought he will lock her with her own words.

"You know what, its impossible to convince you and our daughter" She said to which he smiled slightly.

"Thats because we are always right" He said making her pout.

"Ok ok, no need to show that cute face." He said after examining her legs for burnt marks but thankfully nothing was there.

"I will kill that bit** for sure" He cursed getting back to sleeping position, khushi kept her head on his arm playing with his shirt.

"I got scared when she told avni that she is her birth mother" Khushi confessed. 

"Dont worry my love, i wont let anyone touch your rights on avni. She is your daughter and this is biggest truth one can never change" He assured her.

"I love you" She confessed overwhelmed with his words.

"Wow, i got to be lucky to hear your confession again." He teased her.

"I am just shy" She said going all red in shyness. 

"I know, but back in party you confessed so many things boldly. Sometimes i will feel like making you drink alcohol only to see that cute, bold khushi" He said to which she opened mouth widely.

"Haawww arnavji, i will kill you if you do that. After that day i have decided to never attend any party and if i attend also to never drink or eat anything" She said making him laugh.

"Common, you were so cute while saying *Earth is missing beneath my feet*" He said laughing out loud.

"Arnavji, please please forget it. Remove that day from your brain." She said acting like removing something from brain which increased his laugh.

"Ok, if i have to forgot it i need something else to store there" He asked her.

"Tell me anything i will do" She said desperately.

"That is.." Saying he hovered her, both got lost in the world of love. 

Next day:

Arnav is first one to getup, he smiled seeing khushi still sleeping with pout. He untangled himself without disturbing her, he went to freshen up. By the time he came back khushi also got up and went in to do her morning chores. 

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