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Story continuous from arshi conversation.

"Khushi you are good soul but i am not. You deserve some punishment for changing report and you broke into ASR cabin" Arnav told mischievously, perfect 3'O formed on her face.

"And your punishment will be, you are going to attend party with me on next week" Arnav told with smirk remembering about AR success party and drunk khushi.

"I wont come please" She pleaded him. What if she does anything like last time, arnavji will tease her life long.

"You are coming and that is your punishment." He told firmly.

"Arnavji, this is cheating" she whined.

"Everything is fair in love and war" Arnav quoted.

"Arnavji, frankly this lines wont suit you" Khushi told sticking tongue out like a child.

"Now, you exactly look like avni" Arnav told pinching her nose.

"Arnavji, how can you be so calm when this much chaos is going on in our life?" She questioned him, he changed so much these days of course for good.

"Khushi, life is very short. You are right, many problems are there in our life. But that doesnt mean i need to sit and cry on them by wasting our precious time. This problems wont get solved in one day, we needs go through lot of struggles. What if somethings happens to me in this? i dont want to miss this little time with you and avni. If i die, i want to die with happy memories" He told seriously.

Khushi got tears hearing him and closed his mouth with her hand.

"Dont speak like this arnavji. You are our life, we cant live without you" Khushi told, tears are flowing from her eyes.

"No one will die for others khushi, its just words" Arnav told earning a hit on his shoulder.

"I will complain to avni that you made me cry" Khushi used her weapon.

"But it should be other way right? Kids should complain their moms." Arnav told with smile.

"Avni is my everything." She told making his smile larger.

"What about me?" He asked her. Before she can answer a knock on door disturbed them and HP asked them to come for lunch.

"Khushi i have two surprises for you" Arnav told while coming down.

"What are those arnavji?" She asked with curiosity.

"There is a reason to call them surprise." Arnav told making her pout. Arnav laughed at her. Some on is jealous seeing their happiness.( Do i need to say who it is?)

Lunch was silent affair, nani strictly ordered everyone to not to make any scene while eating food.

Khushi went to her room straightly to take rest while arnav went to study room.

Anjali room:-

Anjali is thinking about everything happened from yesterday. In a day everyone turned opposite to her. Shyam is not speaking with her. She just wished for arnav happiness, doesnt she?

Sheethal entered her room.

"Anjali di, i am sorry for all this. Because of me your family is not talking with you" Sheethal told keeping her head low.

"That is fine sheethal. They will come around in few days" Anjali told comforting her.

"I just wanted to get back to my husband and daughter di. I swear i dont want to hurt anyone. That time i was immature to leave arnav. Please help me di" Sheethal pleaded her.

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