Car ride to school

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"Hey bitch" Maddy looked at her excited to see her "before I say anything else who the hell is that staring at you?"

"Hey and that's my brother Oscar." She said while getting into the car but before getting in she turned and looked at Oscar " could you maybe not stare at me and my friend"

"What time will you be home." He ignored her

" I don't know I will see when the time comes."she before getting into the car

"What do you mea—" he was cut off by the sound of Maddy's car leaving


"So what's going on with you and Nate. I mean I am pretty sure I heard he was talking to McKay about you saying something like he really likes you and you guys had sex " Jayden turned to look at her

Maddy just sat there and smiled and didn't say anything which made Jayden look surprised by the look on her face.

" Stop. no way. how could you not tell me. Is he good in bed? do you like him? Tell me tell me tell me please. You owe me that you  didn't tell me when it happened, and I had to find out through my sources." Jayden said angrily

"Fine. I mean I don't really know cause remember he is my first time I can't really compare but there is nothing to complain about." Maddy said with a huge smile on her face while she pulled up into the school parking lot.

" I still cannot believe you didn't tell. Wait did you tell anyone else cuz if you did I might have to end this friendship right here" she said as they walked up to the rest of there friends.

"1st you cannot stop being my friend you love me to much and you will have no one to drive you to school speaking of you need to get your drivers license 2nd no I didn't tell anyone else so don't get upset about it." She finishes as she gets to her to the whole friendship group.

"What are you two talking about." Bb asked before having a hit of her vape before they entered the building.

"I don't know maybe the fact that Maddy had sex with Nate" she said still shocked over the fact " hey before we talk about that .bb do you have any edibles"

" yeah I always do here" she hands Jd the edibles

"I am still shocked you had sex with Nate how was he. Omg" Cassie looked at her with a look of shock.

"Oh my gosh ok he was amazing and was really gentle with me. That is the last thing I am going to say on this topic." Maddy stated trying to end the conversation.

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