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The girls got there and walked in being hit with scent weed and alcohol. They walked towards the drinks got themselves a drink, they were drinking there drinks and chatting before going over to the dance floor.

Cassie went of by herself because she didn't want to dance with Jayden and Maddy. Jayden and Maddy were dancing to the music with each other before two guys came up behind them

"Hey what's your name" Tristan asked Jayden

"Jayden what about you" Jayden replied flirtatiously

"Tristan" Tristan replied to her "How about you and your friends come with us to over there" he asked

Jayden turned to all her friends who looked at her hoping she would say yes. Jayden nodded and they walked over to an area where barely anyone was. She saw Fez and ashtray dealing on her way over who Fez was confused until she winked at him.

They sat there for a little bit with Jayden on his lap them talking and smoking.

"You got a boyfriend" Tristan asked Jayden.

"Would I be out here flirting with you if I did" Jayden asked him lying obviously

"I don't know you could be one of those non-loyal girls" Tristan told her

"Well let me tell you, I am one of the most loyal girls in the world" Jayden told him leaning in to kiss him. They started making out.

"Hey how bout we go back to my house" Tristan whispered in her ear

"I would love that" Jayden replied

They got up and started walking out Tristan leaded Jayden to his car and they drove to a random house near the santos house but was five blocks away.

Jayden turned on her location for Oscar and sad eyes to see where Tristan lived. They went inside and talked for a little bit had a few drinks but Jayden was still sober and Tristan was in an out of sober and drunk he also started crying when they were talking about his ex.

" Hey where is your bathroom" Jayden asked getting bored of Tristan

"Down the hall turn right the door on your first left" Tristan explained

"Ok thanks" Jayden said getting up and walking towards the bathroom following the directions she was given. Once she got in there she called Sad eyes.

"Hello" Sad eyes said through the phone

"Did you get the location" Jayden asked whispering

"Yeah why" Sad eyes replied confused

"Can you come pick me up Cause he is really boring me plus he's crying and you have the location" Jayden said whispering

Antonio burst out laughing when he heard that Tristan was crying. Once he finally calmed he answers with"Yeah I guess I can"

"Oh thank god" Jayden was relieved when he said that

"Find a way to get out of there" Sad eyes told her " I'm on my way" He added

" ok thank you" Jayden said and he hung up

Jayden went out to see Tristan passed out on the couch. 'Oh this is more easier than I thought' she thought as she grabbed her bag and walked out.

Jayden did feel bad for the guy since he thought he was getting sex but oh well not much she could do. She texted Maddy to see if they were ok and she told her that her and Cassie are at Cassie's house and they were ok.

Once sad eyes pulled up Jayden jumped in and kissed him on the lips. They talked about what happened and Sad eyes was laughing so hard almost even crying.

They got back to the house to see Oscar and Cesar weren't there so him and her took that opportunity to have there little fun.


Five rounds later they were cuddling together naked in Jayden's room watching tv with the door locked just incase.

30 minutes later they heard Someone slam the front door shut and they figured out it was cesar because he then went into his room and slammed the door.

"Let me go sort him out" Jayden said getting out of Antonio's arms.

" Do you have to" Sad eyes asked watching her put on his top and her walking to her draws with a bit of a limp getting a pair of shorts

"Yes" Jayden said putting on her shorts

"Ok lock the door though don't want anyone walking in on me" Sad eyes said

"Ok I'll be back" Jayden said before walking out and locking the door

Jayden walked over to Cesar's room and open the door to see a crying Cesar on the bed. She walked and sat next to him before holding him in his hands.

"What's up with you" Jayden asked

"Monse" Cesar replied. When he said this Jayden wanted to roll her eyes but she didn't because of Cesar's state

"What happened" Jayden asked

"She was saying bad things about you and kept getting angry when I defended you then she said that if you didn't apologise to Monse for what happened she will end it and I told her that wasn't gonna happen and she ended it" Cesar explained and this made Jayden feel bad because she was damaging his relationship but she wasn't going to apologise she didn't feel that bad.

"Ok I'm going to say this I feel bad but not enough to apologise also if she really loved you and wanted a relationship she would put her hate towards me aside to make you happy so if I was you I wouldn't be crying over her. One more thing you guys are young you shouldn't be crying over relationships at this age you should be crying about getting a bad grade on your test so put away those tears and replace it with a smile. Alright" Jayden told him

"Alright" Cesar mumbled

"Ok love you so much go to bed and don't worry about your breakup" Jayden said getting up from his bed

"Thank you love you too" Cesar said

Jayden smiled at him before walking out and closing the door and walked back into her room locking her door to see sad eyes sleeping. She snuck into bed and Antonio wrapped his arms around her and they fell asleep.


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Any suggestions please let me know

Hope you have a good day

Bye xx

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now