The morning after

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It was the morning after the incident in Brentwood and Jayden was still pissed about it but all that anger went away when she woke up. Jayden opened her eyes to see a sleeping Antonio laying next to her. She decided just to lay there for a little bit on her phone and text Maddy and Kat.

"What are doing" Antonio said with a sleepy voice

"Just texting my friends" she turned off her phone and turned to face him

"What time is it" Antonio stretching and rubbing his eyes

"9:30" she replies "I gotta go" she adds

"Why where are you going" Antonio asks Starting to get up

" I need to get ready to go shopping with my friends" Jayden replies putting on her clothes from the previous night

" okay well I'm gonna be over your house later so I will see you then" he says getting ready to shower and Jayden finishing putting her clothes on and grabbing her stuff

" okay I'll see you later" she says kissing him on his lips then leaving his house


The walk from sad eyes house to her house wasn't that far so didn't take a long to get home. When she got home she walked straight to her room ignoring Oscar and Ceaser who were sitting in the kitchen.

" did she even come home last night" Oscar asks

" I have no clue I was at monse's" Ceaser replies

" oh okay " Oscar said before they went back to the conversation they were having before

Meanwhile do you know when to go take a shower and washed her hair. She took a 45 minute shower before coming out of the bathroom and going into a room. To see Oscar sitting in her room.

" can I at least get changed before you start asking questions" she says grabbing her outfit

" Fine but don't be taking your time" Oscar says getting up and walking out the room closing the door behind him.

Instead of listening to Oscar she took her time getting changed and after fifteen minutes of texting Maddy and picking out her shoes she was dressed and now she started doing her makeup. A quarter of the way through doing her makeup she remembered that Oscar was outside so she got up and opened the door to see him and sad eyes standing there.

When did he get here she thought to herself before going back to her chair where she was doing her makeup.

"So where were you last night" Oscar asks taking a seat on Jayden's bed

"A party in Brentwood" Jayden replied remembering what happened the previous night

"Who were you with" Oscar asks as sad eyes just sat there watching girl do her makeup

"Maddy and my other friends who you have not met" she answers putting on mascara

"What are these mysterious friends called cause I am pretty sure I know all of your friends" Oscar answers

"What do you want" she asked ignoring the question

"Where did you sleep last night" Oscar asked while sad eyes got up to get a drink so he didn't know what was going on

"At Sad eyes house" she said while finishing her makeup

"Ok cool anyway where are you going" Oscar asked

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