Mkay's party

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" Ceaser I hope that the reason you look like that is not for the reason I think" Jade walked up to Ceaser and checked his face and stomach.

"I am sorry I tried to warn him but he didn't care" Ceaser almost started crying while looking up at her.

" It's okay luckily the bruises on your face will probably be gone by and for the other ones you are staying home on bed rest no question asked" she quickly says scanning over his bruises.

He nodded quickly knowing that she was very stubborn so there was no point in arguing with her. "Ok I am going out but I will be back tomorrow" she grabs her purse getting ready to leave "order some food cause I won't be able to cook and I am not allowing you to because you will burn down the house" she hugged him and kissed Ceaser on the head and started to leave "bye love you"

"Bye" Ceaser went back to his room and locked the door. Luckily he had a tv in his room and he had his phone so he wasn't bored.

Jaden and Jade walked out the house to be greeted by the santos who were whistling trying to get her attention. They had reached the car when Jd had heard a familiar voice.

"Where are you going dressed like that"


She had turned around and looked at him before turning to Jaden "give me a second". He nodded and got into the car.

"I think the real question is. Why did you think you can jump Ceaser into the gang without me finding out" she started walking closer towards Oscar.

Oscar's face changed quickly to a face that read "oh shit" and so did most of the santos. The thing is it wasn't just Oscar that was afraid of Jayden(girl) it was most of the santos they knew what she was capable of, so whenever someone annoyed her everyone would not bother to try and piss her off more.

"I am going to talk to you and you tomorrow morning" she pointed to Oscar and sad eyes "If any of you bother him in anyway you will not live to see another day. He is ordering food later so one of you is going to pay and take it to his room because I don't want him walking around" they all looked nervous and scared "we good" they all nodded quickly.

She went off into Jaden's (boy) car and they drove to Mckay's party the whole time they did talk and Jd apologised to him for what had happened and he forgave her.

They got to Mckay's party and it was very big. There was flashing lights drinks and all sorts. Jaden (boy) and Jayden(girl) both entered the party but they had to hold hand to manoeuvre around everyone.

They walked into the drinks table each grabbing a drink. When they had got there drinks they walked towards Jade's friends which were only about Maddy & Kat because the rest were dancing or hooking up in a bathroom (most likely the second option).

"Heyyy! Omg your outfits are so cute the way I wish I had your fashion taste" Maddy had said while Jade and Jaden stood in front of them.

"I have to agree with Maddy on this your outfit is fire"Kat had agreed with Maddy.

"Thank you guys but I didn't pick this outfit out it was this one over there" Jade pointed towards Jaden "but what are you talking about look at your outfits.

Maddy's outfit:

Maddy's outfit:

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