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Jayden woke up at 10:00 the next day she checked her phone and realised she over slept she quickly got changed and straightened her hair then left.

She got home late at like 3:00 in the morning and went straight to her room she made a stop to fezco's place and had some drugs and then went home.

She went to school and went to her second period class which was Miss Jackson. She walked in and went straight to her seat it was very awkward on the table cause of the whole things that happened yesterday.

Jayden was tired and put her head on the desk and went to sleep they sat in a awkward silence for the whole of class and everyone was confused by there behaviour even Miss Jackson who looked more like she was worried.

When the bell went Jayden decided to skip the rest of the day and got an Uber to her friend Cynthia's house.

When she got there she knocked on the door and Cynthia opened it to see Jayden and quickly pulled her in a hug squealing.

"Omggggg Jaydennnnn" Cynthia squealed

"Cynthiaaaa" Jayden squealed back

"Omg what are you doing here" Cynthia asked pulling out of the hug

"Well I thought I would visit you since I didn't get to see you yet" Jayden told her

"Oh thank god I was so bored today" Cynthia said and they went into her living room and started catching up

They were like that for 2 hours and Jayden got a call from Oscar.

"I need to get this I will be right back" Jayden said to Cynthia

"Ok" Cynthia said and went on her phone while Jayden walked of

"What" Jayden answered the phone

"Where are you?" Oscar asked

"What do you mean I am at school" Jayden said lying

"Don't lie the school called" Oscar told her

"I am at a friends house right now" Jayden replied

"Ok well you need to come back cause cuchillos is coming to get you soon" Oscar told her

"Wait she is coming today" Jayden asked

"Yea now come home and pack your shit" Oscar told her

"Ok be home soon" Jayden said before ending the call

Jayden walked out and told Cynthia that she had to go and she left. She got a Uber back to freeridge and got to her house.

When she walked in she packed her bags with everything in it cause she needed everything to live.

Once she finished packing which only took her 2 hours she forced Oscar to take pictures of her for instagram.



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Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now