Getting ready Pt.2

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After They left Jaden's house they headed over to Jade's house which was about 10 minutes which wasn't that long so it was fine. Before they turned into the street Jade turned to Jaden.

" Before we get there I must warn you My brother and friends will probably be in front or in the house and they can sometimes be intimidating so be prepared" she warned him

"Ok" that's all he said. He was a bit nervous and the only thing that was going through his head was 'am I going to die'

They had finally got to her house and as usual there was a bunch of Santos sitting out front they all turned and looked at the car confused, and when Jd and Jaden came out the car they were confused. They were used to it being Maddy and Jd but this was different so they all sat up straight trying to intimidate Jaden but got cut short because they got a look from Jade.

Jade had talked to a few santos before walking into the house to be greeted by Oscar and some of the santos who looked in the middle of a heated discussion but it got stopped when Oscar saw Jade and Jaden.

"¿Quién coño es? ( who the fuck is he?)" Oscar asked getting up quickly and looking him up and down.

Jade looked at him and rolled her eyes and ignored his question. She took Jaden's hand and dragged him into her room and slammed the door. Meanwhile the Santos where sitting there watching everything.

"Am I just a ghost or something"he says while the santos are laughing about the whole interaction between them. "Shut up" Oscar walks back and sits down.

After walking into the room Jd and Jaden had a little discussion for a little bit until she got up and started looking in her closet.

"Oh my god! I have no clothes to wear"she says sighing still looking in the closet.

Jaden sits up and looks at her shocked and looked into her closet " what do you mean you have no clothes to wear" he gets up and starts walking towards her.

"How about since I picked something out for you, you pick out a outfit for me"

He looks at her and quickly agrees. "While you do that I am going to get some food. Do you want anything?" She offers

"Sure" he says quickly as she exits the room. While she is getting her snacks, Jaden starts looking in her closet and found the perfect outfit or at least that's what he thought. He had got a blue top which was kind of a risky top , then he went on to get a dark blue denim skirt kind of short but not like she would care and to finish it of he had a pair of platform boots and sunglasses that she didn't need but he thought it would fit with the outfit. After getting the outfit he just laid down and started scrolling on instagram.

Meanwhile outside of the room Jade was trying her best not to punch her brother's throat "So are you going to tell me who that was" he questioned her.


"Well when you bring people in to my house I think I deserve to know" he answered her slightly getting annoyed

" Really is it your house I mean when was the last time you paid for anything in this house. you have not paid for things like food, rent, the water running ,nothing that's all me. I get that money myself not from you because you do nothing. the last time you paid for something was two years ago when you went to jail. I didn't have anyone I could get that money from I got it myself, and if you wanna sit there and say you own this house it won't take me long to pack all your things and kick you out" Jade yelled at him.

It was quite for a few minutes before Jade grabbed all her snacks and returned back to her .

"Is any of what she said true" he turned to look at the santos.

"Yeah every time I tried to offer her help she wouldn't take it she said that 'she's not a charity case' so instead she worked a few jobs around with the santos for money" Sad eyes had explained to him.

Oscar had felt like absolute shit after he had no idea this was going on. He said to his friends as soon as he comes out of jail he was going to try and get the relationship he had with his siblings back and to not be a shitty brother, and he was doing both so everything for him was going wrong.

She walked back in with all the snacks in her hands a little stressed but still had a smile on her face. She looked down to see Jaden laying on her bed he looked so comfortable.

"Why are you staring at me" Jaden had noticed Jd standing at the doorway.

" no reason" she quickly went over to him and sat next to him "here" she says handing him a packet of crisp/chips "have you got my outfit yet"

"Yeah it's right Over there" he points towards an outfit.

"Ok" she gets up and starts to walk over to her outfit. " this is actually a decent outfit. I thought it would be way worse" she looks at the outfit and loved it.

"Wow so you had doubted me. I see how it is" he says it in a jokingly way.

"Shut up I am going to get dressed in the bathroom be right back" she grabs her clothes and exits the room

While she is getting changed Jaden is in his room on his phone when he heard a knock on Jade's door at first he is reluctant to answer but he thought that it might be Ceaser. He answered the door and to his surprise it actually was Ceaser but he looked like he got ran over with a truck and then a bus.

"Hey where's my sister" Ceaser asked shaking.

"She is getting changed in the bathroom. Are you okay?" Jaden was generally worried for him.

"Yeah" Ceaser answered nervously still looking at the bathroom door waiting for Jd to come out.

"Are you sure? Cause no offence but you look like you just got ran over multiple times" he said trying his best not to sound rude. "Do you wanna come and sit and wait for Jayden(girl)"

He nodded and Jaden opened the door wider to let him in. When Ceaser was in the room he sat in the corner looking out Jade's window and Jaden sat there looking around. It was a bit of an awkward silence until Jd walked in and saw Ceaser, her face had gone from a normal face to an angry face in seconds.

Jade's outfit:

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