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The next morning Jayden woke up alone in her bed feeling the like shit. She rolled out of bed noticing in the corner are a pair of shoes she ordered. Ignoring it she grabbed her stash, she took out a blunt and two pills out and took the pills.

After sitting there for a few minutes she got up and walked out heading towards the bathroom to take a shower.

After 30 minutes Jayden walked out of the bathroom to her room. She started picking out her outfit and she thought that she wanted to wear her new shoes so she made an outfit out of them. Which surprisingly 4 minutes later she came up with something.

Jayden's outfit:

She texted Jaden cause she felt like she hadn't hung out with just him in ages so she wanted to text him to she if they can go get something for breakfast

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She texted Jaden cause she felt like she hadn't hung out with just him in ages so she wanted to text him to she if they can go get something for breakfast.

Jayden - hey do you want to go get breakfast with me

Jaden - what right now

Jayden - yea I feel like we haven't hung out just us in ages

Jaden - ikr anyway I am on my way right now so be ready

Jayden - k. Text me when ur here

Jaden - alright

She lit up her blunt and sat on her bed waiting for Jaden to pull up to her house. She was patiently waiting until she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in" Jayden said putting her phone down next to her

"I need your help" Ceaser said walking into the room

"What is it" Jayden asks

"Basically monse found out that I got jumped in and now she is in a mission to get me out of the santos. So her, Jamal and ruby came up with a plan for one of them to talk to spooky and obviously it can't be monse cause she will end up dead and Jamal would probably annoy the shit out of spooky so ruby is going to talk to Oscar" Ceaser explained

"Okay what does that have to do with me" Jayden asks confused

"I was kind of hoping you would go with ruby so he will be less nervous" Ceaser said

"When is this thing happening" Jayden asked

"In a bout 30 minutes" Ceaser replied

"Oh sorry buddy I got plans" Jayden says getting a notification from Jaden

"Please please please" Ceaser kept repeating

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now