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They had got to the party in Brentwood and the party was already full of rich people. They walked in and saw people they new from freeridge and of course Nate jacobs Maddy's ex/boyfriend (not really sure what they are). The thing is although Nate is rich and lives in Brentwood he still chose to go to a school in freeridge (A:N not sure what the school is called).

"Hey I'm going to go talk to Nate" Maddy says about to walk off

"Didn't you guys break up" all of them except Maddy says in unison

"No we got back together 4 hours ago" Maddy replies

"But you broke up this morning" Gavin says really confused

"Yea and?" Maddy asks

"You know what you do you if anything happens or Nate is being a dick we will leave" Jade says knowing that in about an hour that they will probably break up again

"Ok love you" Maddy says blowing a kiss towards Jd before walking off

"Love you" Jd replies

Jayden and the boys went off to get some drinks and find somewhere to sit. They are in the middle of a deep question when all of a sudden some random kid walked up to them.

"Yo I heard you are from Freeridge" he says.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom be back in a bit" Gavin gets up walking of trying to locate the bathroom.

"Yo so I was wondering if you could help me get some of that green plant cause this party is crap" he says

"Bitch why the fuck you asking us" Jd asks she was a bit annoyed because she didn't like the sound of there voices

"Cause you from freeridge of course you got at least something on you" he replies.

Before any of them could reply Gavin walked in with a bowl of Mac n cheese and sat down next to Landon.

"Yo where did you get that" The guy asked Gavin

"Oh I was hungry so I made food" Gavin answered

"Oh my god that is my brothers Mac n cheese he is going to kill me" The boy started worrying meanwhile gavin was about to take another bite of the mac n cheese until Jd took the fork out his mouth and took it.

"Ok how is that his problem" Jayden asked finishing the mac n cheese in her mouth "your the one who threw a party" she adds

"And? There is food and drinks over there" he says pointing to a table in the corner full of fancy food and drinks

"Bro you have money your rich just buy another one it's not like you haven't done that before" Landon said

"Do people come up in your house and take your food" the guy asks completely ignoring what Landon said

They all nod

"What the hell is wrong with you people" the guy says

"You people." Jayden asks standing up. When she actually got a proper look on his face she noticed that he had a fake teardrop tattoo under his eye " Why you got a fake teardrop on your face"

"Cause I see people in freeridge with it and it's cool. I mean look at me I look good" he says

"I swear to fucking god this best be a fucking joke" Jayden says trying her best not to cause a seen but people were already looking "do you know what can happen to you if you walk around with this on your face" she started getting angry

"Nothings gonna happen to me this is Brentwood what's the worst thing that could happen" He says

"Do you know that there are gang members everywhere you walk do you know what gang that tattoo is from" Jayden shouted at him

"Bitch you better step the fuck back" The boy says tryna act hard

"You better watch who the fuck you talking to cause I know for sure it ain't me" Jayden yells while getting in his face

After she yelled in his face Jaden slightly pulled her back.

"So how we gonna settle this you gonna to pay or what" The boy asks

"I know how" Jayden answers managing to get out of Jaden's arms. She walked towards a random guy took his drink and went back over towards the boy "like this" she says while looting the whole drink on his head.

Not even 5 seconds later all the boys and Jayden were running away towards the car and started driving off while eggs were being thrown at them.

"He gone pay for that" Jayden said

Jaden dropped off Gavin and Landon and now he was dropping off Jade instead of dropping her off at her house instead he dropped him off at sad eyes house well he didn't know that but still.

"All right see ya later" Jd says getting out the car

"Bye" Jaden replies before driving off.

Jaden's (boy) pov:

Jayden is so pretty and I feel like I have feelings for her but I am not sure if she likes me back or not I mean I feel like she does but for some reason I feel like she is hiding something or she's not telling me something but we've only known each other for a few day so she's not going to put her whole trust in me but it's okay.

Jayden's (girl) pov:

I think I might have feelings for Jaden but the problem is I have feelings for sad eyes aswell they are complete opposite's I mean sad eyes is all about gangs and he is amazing and it's also good to have someone to talk to about this lifestyle who can relate but Jaden is amazing, kind and respectful I mean don't get me wrong sad eyes is all of this things but with Jaden it's a whole different version and it's so easy to trust him and talk to him.

What do I do?


What do you think she should do?

Any suggestions let me know?

Who should be endgame?
Jaden or sad eyes?

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now