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When ruby and Jayden got to school she decided to see if the plan had actually worked even though she new it didn't. They where walking until they got to Cesar, Jamal and Monse. Monse and Jayden still haven't talked since the night where Jayden beat the shit out of her and they weren't going to, Jayden never really liked her but she pretended for Cesar same way around for Monse but now they didn't pretend. So when Monse saw Jayden she rolled her eyes and scoffed and Jayden stuck her middle finger up at her.

Ruby was walking up talking about how much he killed it and how he got Cesar out and he seemed really excited and Jayden almost felt bad for him.

"You did kill it. You killed it so hard that I got promoted." Cesar said

"No. Spooky and I had an understanding." Ruby said sounding really upset

"Just got a text, gonna start running for the santos." Cesar replied

Out of the corner of Jayden's eye she could see a pissed Monse looking at her like she did something wrong, but Jayden didn't say anything she just kept quite until Ruby left.

"No. No, no, no. That can't be true. He must be joking." Ruby said "I mean Jayden you were there we had an agreement right"

"Not gonna lie most of the time you were just giving him more reasons to why he should be in the Santos" Jayden replies

"Compa, I love you for trying, but like I said, this deal is done. And I don't blame you. I blame Monse." Cesar said and Monse quickly took her attention of off Jayden and turned to Cesar in shock which caused Jayden to burst out laughing.

"Me!" Monse said in shock

"Yeah, you're the instigator and the frickin' honey badger. You don't quit. But now you have to. No more. We're done" Cesar said and Jayden quietly agreed

"And so is Ruben. I'm not man enough to bear that name." Ruby said sadly before walking off and Jamal following him

"Why didn't you help him" Monse yelled
turning to Jayden

"Bitch you best watch your tone before I beat the shit out of you again" Jayden said turning to her

"No you had every chance to help him but you didn't you sat there and you probably even laughed at him. Do you even care about cesar's safety" Monse yelled getting in Jayden's face.

"Bitch you best back the fuck up" Jayden quickly said

"What you gone do" Monse said getting closer to her

Jayden was glad the she didn't wear earrings. She dropped her bag and put her hair in a ponytail then pushed monse to which monse landed of the floor and got on top of her and started pulling her hair and punching her in the face continuously and this went on for like 10 minutes until she felt someone wrap there arms around her and pull her off of Monse.

" STOP STOP STOP!" A security guard says pulling her off of monse. 

"You go to the nurses off then come to the office and you come on" mr jones ,the principal, said before walking off

Jayden grabbed her bag and walked with Mr jones to his office when they had got there he called Oscar and Monty , Monse's dad, .

Both Oscar and Monty showed up they walked in to see Jayden sitting there and that left Monty really confused cause where was Monse. They sat down then 1 minute later Monse walked with a busted lip ,black eye , dry blood on her face from a nose bleed and also a bandage on top of her nose near her eyes.

When Jayden saw this she laughed silently which everyone heard and caused Oscar to laugh to and everyone was looking at them like weirdos. Once they finally calmed down monse gave Jayden a dirty look while going to sit down next to her dad which Jayden replied with sticking her middle finger up at her.

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