Period 5

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After the conversation with Oscar Jd was a bit on edge, but as soon as she reached maths and saw Jaden she felt happy. She felt like she had found someone who didn't judge her for who she was or who she was related to. She was finally happy.

"Hey I saved a seat for you"he said as she sat next to him and smiled. He looked at her and his smile slowly faded. " Are you okay? You seem upset"

"Yeah I'm fine" she gave him a reassuring smile. Honestly she wasn't okay, she had just got her brother back and he was already asking favours from her. Her whole life she was close to both her siblings but when Oscar went to jail everything changed including the relationship between Jd and Ceaser.

"Are you sure" she nodded at him trying her best not to look upset. He new something was up but he didn't want to pressure her into telling him so he just grabbed her hand and she looked at him and smiled. For the first time in a long time she felt safe.

"You what I am tired of my nickname." He looks at her confused at where this thought came from " I feel like to many people call me Jd I want a new nickname"

He looked at her the started to think before an idea hit his head " what about jade" she thought about for a second

" I don't hate it" she answered bedroom laying her head on Jaden's shoulder.


They talked silently for a few more minutes until the bell rang. Both of them walked out as Jd lead him to where she got high with her friends.

" So you have met my friend group but Rue is my day one after Maddy" She says while approaching behind the bleachers "Hola, Zorras"(Hey bitches).

"Hey. who's this?" Rue looked at Jaden up and down confused.

"That is Jaden, Jd's boyfriend" she teases her knowing full well that not only did Jd have feelings for Jaden. He had feelings for Jd as well .

Jd gives Maddy a look a telling her to shut up and Jaden was just confused.

She turned to Jaden "get comfortable and try to get to know everyone I will be back" She says while texting fez on where to meet her.

"Ok." He nodded and chucked his bag on the floor before getting a packet of crisp/chips. Takes to be exact.

She walked of walking towards a hidden exit at the school. Where she had either met fez or ashtray. " Hey fez what's up"

" Nothin much you." Fez replied looking up from his phone.

"Alright I mean even though Oscar's back everything has been ok"she replied.

" I heard he got out but wasn't sure though I wanted to get it confirmed from you" he looked at her with a 'I feel bad for you face' on. " look if you ever want to talk just swing by and I will listen"

" thank you and I will" she smiled at him while collecting the drugs from him and giving him the money " You know I have the perfect person for you I feel like she needs someone like you in her life."

" For real I been needing someone to talk to other than ashtray even though he doesn't even talk" he sounded like he didn't care but in real life he did he just didn't have the energy to show it.

" Her name is Lexi. Cassie's sister" she said before walking away.

" you didn't even tell me what she look—" he started "and your gone" he finished his sentence.

She had walked back already opening a packet of edibles before she was stopped by her brother.

"Hey Jayden you know how I love you and your my favourite" Ceaser said nervously

"What do you want" she asked still walking towards her friends.

"So you know how Oscar's back." She nodded at him getting closer to her friends who are to engaged in the conversation with Jaden "Did he ask you to do a favour"

"Yeah why" they finally reached her friends and they all looked up at her and Ceaser confused as they were still talking.

" Did he tell you what it is because he asked me to do it but I am scared cause I don't know what it is" he nervously said while taking some of her edibles.

"He asked you to do what" she started to get pissed and instantly went to grab her phone. She was to pissed for her to hear Ceaser telling her to stop.

Oscar answered the phone to hear a furious Jayden.

" Tienes algunas explicaciones que hacer ( you have some explaining to do)" Jayden screamed down the phone while her friends where smoking weed and eating edibles.

"What are you talking about" he answered confused.

" So you think just because I don't want to do you a favour you ask Ceaser to do it" she screamed down the phone " What are you asking him to do and don't you dare lie to me"

"I- I need him to go tag a prophet$ sign" he said nervously

" Juro por Dios que eres un Puto idiota ( I swear to god your a fucking idiot)" she became more angry than she already was " I have done everything to keep Ceaser out of this life so he doesn't end up like you. I will not allow you to ruin it. If I get back home  and find out you made Ceaser do it I will fucking murder you and don't think I am lying" She says before ending the call.

She turned to Ceaser " Here is what I want you to do go out do what you want with your friends, live life and if Oscar calls you don't answer or tell him to talk to me if he has a problem ok" he nodded and pulled him into a hug "ok bye love you"

"Love you too" he says when they do there handshake, And walks away.

She watched him walk away and then turned around to face her friends. They were all watching her as she went and sat next to rue.

"The way I wish I had the relationship that you have with Ceaser" rue said thinking about the relationship she has with Gia.

" I just wish I had a sibling" Maddy says

"Same" Bb and Kat said still shocked about earlier.


What do you think about Ceaser and Jd's relationship

Also I am going to start calling Jayden( the girl) Jade but I will still sometimes call her Jd

If I got any Spanish wrong don't worry about correcting me

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