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When They all got back home sad eyes carried the sleeping the girl in the house. Some how 'she didn't wake up' so they thought but as soon as Antonio closed her door she opened her eyes.

Jayden got up and went into her closet and grabbed the outfit she was wearing then forgot that she needed to pick out shoes and thankfully only 3 pairs of shoes were ruined so it didn't take long to pick something out.

She also decided to post on instagram to waste time so she picked out her outfit. Jayden had got a lot of followers on instagram ,some having loads of followers, but hardly posts she gets loads of emails of people asking her to model for them which she takes sometimes. More recently she had been wanting to get more into the modelling industry so if she wanted to she could have money to leave freeridge but she wouldn't be doing that for a couple of years.

Jayden grabbed sad eyes so he can take the pictures of her and they drove down to a random area that she thought looked ok and they started taking photos.



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Liked by Matthew

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Liked by Matthew.Sturniolo, nessabarret and 500,000 others

Jayden.Diaz got suspended so took pictures as celebration of no school 🥳🎉


User she is so pretty

Christophersturniolo THAT'S MY BESTIE
I miss you so much

nessabarret we have to meet up to see eachother soon
frr it has been ages

yungpleit you got suspended again... what did you do
Same as last time
yungpleit fighting again. You better tell me what happened

150,000 more comments

The rest of the day until her task that she had to do she just chilled with the santos and texting Elmer (yungpleit) about how she got suspended also making plans to meet up with her other friends.


Short chapter

Do you think Jayden should explore her modelling career?

Should she be successful?

Opinions on her friends?

Have a nice day


Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now