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The next day Jayden woke up to see sad eyes was no longer sleeping next to her. She just sighed and decided to call him later seeing as though she had to get ready for school but before she could do that, She feeling weird like she couldn't explain it she wanted to get rid of it, that is when she remembered she had some coke in her jacket so she decided to do some coke .

She grabbed her jacket and started going through her jackets then realising that there was nothing in there. She was pissed and then remembered about her box under her bed. She went towards her bed and went and grabbed it and to her luck when she opened it there were a few blunts and a packet of coke.

She closed the box taking the coke out and then grabbed a card and pored the coke on top of the box. She started splitting it up into 3 lines and she grabbed a $1 bill and rolled it up. She sniffed two lines and that's when she heard a knock on the door. She quickly got rid of the evidence and hid the box under her bed.

She walked to the door and took a deep breath before opening the door. She opened it to see Oscar

"What's up" Jayden asked with a bit of an attitude

"Just wanted to ask if you needed money to change your nails" Oscar asked nervously because he knew after a fight she was always in a shitty mood even if she won

" yeah I do" Jayden replied

"how much do you need" Oscar asked

"I need $100"Jayden replied. Jayden actually didn't near his money she had money from Cuchillos but she decided to take it because she needed cash.

he had no money no questions asked and then just stood there nervously.

" well are you gonna say something because I have to get ready for school and I do not need you staring at me while I'm getting ready" Jayden asks

"Uh no I will see you later" He says then walks off

She close the door and walked over to Her closet looking for a outfit for the day. Today she felt really lazy so she didn't feel like doing her make up. She put her hair up in a messy bun. She ordered a coffee and a chocolate croissant. She waited 5 minutes and the order said it was around the corner of her street so she decided to walk out of her room.

Her outfit:

She walked into the kitchen to see Oscar, Ceaser and sad eyes having a very intense conversation

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She walked into the kitchen to see Oscar, Ceaser and sad eyes having a very intense conversation. Which they all stopped talking when they saw her.

"What were you guys talking about" Jayden asked walking into the kitchen.

"Nothing" all the boys said in unison

"Ok well Oscar can you drive me to school" Jayden asked

"Yea" Oscar replied

"Ok" Jayden replied.

There was a knock on the door and Jayden went to open it to see her Starbucks delivery. She picked it up and walked back inside and sat down on the table. While she was eating her croissant all the boys were staring at her.

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now