Mr. Mystery man

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As Jayden was getting ready sad eyes and Oscar walked into her room and sat down on her bed and started looking at her and sitting in silence. After a few minutes Jayden turned to look at them confused on why they were in her room.

"What do you want" Jayden said laying her outfit next to the two boys sitting on her bed looking at her

"So you know how much we love you" Oscar said

"Um what do you want" she said starting to do her makeup

"Well basically cuchillos (it may not be spelt right) wants us to kill this guy and it's not going to be easy because we don't really know where he lives because he lives in private and confidential area" Oscar says looking at Jayden nervously "and the only place we know he goes is a club and there is a rumor that he likes to take guys to his house if he finds interest in them" Oscar adds

"I hope what your about say is not what I think it is" Jayden says putting on her mascara

"Well Um we were hoping that you could maybe dress up and try to impress this said guy and he will take you to his home where you will do whatever and when you come back you tell us where he lives" Oscar quickly says

"And why should I do this" Jayden asks trying her best not to get angry cuz she was doing her eyeliner

"Cause you love me very much and will do this for me and this is where sad eyes comes in" Oscar says pointing towards sad eyes

"Your going to hate me for the first bit but I told him about us" Sad eyes said looking down at the floor

"YOU DID WHAT" she yells and slaps him on the back of the head

"Sorry but in general he already kinda knew about it" he says rubbing the back of his head "anyway that's besides the point if you do this I will allow you to have sex with the guy if you want" Sad eyes added on

"Hm what does he look like" Jayden says who is currently texting Landon to ask where him and Jaden are.

"Well you will have to look up from your phone to see" Oscar says holding his phone in front of him. She took his phone out of his hands to see who it was.

The guy:

 "Oh I will take you up on that offer but quick question what is his name" Jayden said throwing Oscar's phone to him

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"Oh I will take you up on that offer but quick question what is his name" Jayden said throwing Oscar's phone to him.

"His name is —" sad eyes was going to say his name when Jayden's phone started ringing.

"Hello" Jayden answered the phone

"We have been sitting outside for five minutes did you not get our text messages" Jaden said

"Sorry I got distracted with something let me get dressed then I will be out also when I get outside I best see no one in the passenger seat" Jayden said and ended the call "ok you two out so I can get changed we will talk about this later" she says pushing the two out of the room and shutting the door in there faces.

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now