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When they got to the house Jayden got her room and closet set up with all her things. The room had already been designed by cuchillos and Jayden loved it. After finishing her room she spent some time with Cuchillos catching up and talking.

That night Maddy and Jayden had made up and were now back to how they were before. The next day Cuchillos wasn't there and said that she could invite her friends over so that's what Jayden did.

Jayden: Jayd🥊
Jaden: Jae😅

Jayd🥊: do you lot wanna come over to my new house

Gav🍔: Wait when did you move and how come I didn't know

Land🤫: don't complain I didn't know either

Gav🍔: yea but me and Jayden are closer than you and her but why didn't you tell any of us

Jae😅: yea why are we only finding out now

Mads😡: Actually she told me so she did tell someone she told me

Gav🍔: I thought I was your favourite

Jayd🥊: I am so sorry Gavin I will bye you Five guys later

Land🤫: what about us

Jae😅: yea I'm hungry to

Mads😡: you always buy food for Gavin

Jayd🥊: cause Gavin has a big appetite and I don't see you guys offering to buy his food also he buys me my food as well

Gav🍔: Exactly

Jae😅: whatever what's the address

Jayd🥊: *address*

Mads😡: alright who's driving

Gav🍔: I'll drive

Land🤫: no you will kill us

Jae😅: I guess I could drive

Land🤫: I'm cool with that

Gav🍔: I guess that's ok

Mads😡: alright let me get ready

Jayd🥊: Aight text me when ur here also bring a swimsuit aswell

Jae😅: K

Jayden took a shower and got out of her clothes that she slept in. After her shower she went into her closet and picked out an outfit out.

Jayden left her hair out and it was wet cause she washed it but only half dried it cause she wasn't bothered to do the whole thing.

Jayden's outfit:

Jayden's outfit:

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