The introduction

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Both Jayden and Jaden went through the whole day together finding out new things about each other. It was now time for lunch and the moment were Jaden was going to meet Jd's friends.

You see for Jd this was a big thing cause firstly she only hung out with her friends and sometimes Lexi and rue but that was it. So this was new.

Jaden was a bit nervous in his old school he only had one friend so this whole thing of him and a bunch of people was a big scary for him.

"Hey. Don't worry everything will be fine. they are the nicest people ever they won't hurt you" She put interlocked her hand with his while making eye contact.

"Sorry I am just not used to this type of stuff I kind off am quite and closed off from people, that's why I found it weird when you started talking to me." He said nervously as they were walking while holding hands

She stopped again before they entered the lunchroom and she turned and looked at him " That's because your pretty and I like how I am able to talk to you without a problem also what I did in science not many people would talk to me after but you did so that's why" they looked into each other's eyes the whole time until she broke it by turning to open the door.

They walk over to The table Jd always sits while getting stares and some people whispering at them.

"Hello my beautiful friends I will like to introduce you to Jaden and Jaden these are my friends Cassie, Bb, Kat, and the one and only Maddy." She leaned over to him and whispered "Maddy is my best friend if she don't like you we might have a problem" she leaned back and looked at his face, he looked extra nervous "Joking"

"So Jaden where do you come from and how did you two meet" Maddy asks pointing at Jd and Jaden.

"Uh well I come from Brazil and we bumped into each other when I was trying to find my class" he gets more comfortable talking with them they all nod while looking at the two

"Well welcome we kind of due need some more friends and this works" Maddy says meanwhile everyone sees that they are holding hands.

He nods and smile's and turns and looks at Jd to see if he passed the friends test and she gave him a smile saying yes subtly.

"Oh by the way he is joining us at PE" Jd mentioned

" oh I am not going to be there I am going to meet McKay. Which reminds me are you guys coming to Mckay's party?" Cassie asked

"Well obviously we are going," Bb said with a  duh tone on her voice " hey Kat why you so quite, I feel like you never talk anymore."

"No reason" she answered quickly which made made everyone including Jaden to turn and look at her with a suspicious look on there face " look I have to go see you later"

" Okay that's not worrying" Jd looked around at everyone to see there reaction " Anyway Jaden you coming to Mckay's party"

"Sure," he said as they made eye contact "hey I got to go to the bathroom I'll be back" as he broke there eye contact and let go of her hand.

As he walked out all of Jd's friends turned and looked at her "what"

"You so like him. Don't you" they all looked shocked. She finally liked someone, you see Jd wasn't one for feelings and never dated, but there was something different about about Jaden though.

She started blushing and finally turned to her friends and slowly nodded. " yes I like him."

" oh my gosh you guys would be so cute Together and finally you like someone" Maddy started freaking out about the fact, her best friend likes someone.

" like Maddy said finally, I am tired of your complaining about being single"Cassie said a bit relieved about the fact.

"First of all I do not complain" they all looked at her with a look on there face saying are you sure " ok maybe I complained a little but it wasn't that bad"

" oh but it was that bad you locked yourself in the bathroom because you didn't like the fact that me and Nate were dating and you had no one" Maddy says trying to prove there point

"Well that was because you always made me thirdwheel you so of course I didn't like it" Jd says trying to prove a point that was not across well.

"You know what I am going to leave this conversation for PE because your little friend needs to hear about this" Maddy replies not bothered to carry on arguing

"Sshhh he is walking this way" Bb mentioned

"Hey what did I miss" Jaden asks as he sits down

"Nothing much" Jd answered while looking at all of them and trying to say don't tell him anything "hey you okay you se—"

They were interrupted by two things the bell and jd's phone "sorry why don't you head to class I will be right there" she stood up and grabbed all her stuff and walked out while answering the phone.

"Hey do you think you will be busy after school?" Oscar sounding happy she answered the phone

"Oh it's you I thought it was someone else and yeah why"she was pissed that it was him and not fez

"What are you doing cause I kind of need a favour" he was insanely nervous cause he had a feeling that he new what she was going to do.

And he was right she ended the call but before she said "Que te Jodan ( fuck you)" she was angry she already didn't like him for leaving her and Ceaser like it was nothing and when he gets out he I asking for a favour. She just stood there in absolute disbelief.

How are we feeling

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Also I know my Spanish isn't good
But I am just working on it

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