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Maddy drove off when Jayden gotten into the car and they stopped off at Starbucks before going to school. When she walked in they went there separate ways Maddy heading towards Nate and Jayden went to Landon.

"Hey Landon" she said smiling at him

" Hey what's got you in such a happy mood" Landon said as they started to walk to there first period class.

"Nothing just extra happy today" Jayden said finishing her coffee and putting it in the nearest bin

"Oh that's why" Landon said looking towards her coffee " I see you got a new tattoo. It's nice I might have to get it tattooed on me"

"Well I wouldn't mind matching" she laughed as she went towards the door to her class "see ya later"

"See ya" Landon said walking away from her

She walked in expecting to see Jaden in the back waiting for her but to her surprise he was talking to a girl. Jayden felt a bit jealous at the sight but she just brushed it of and went to go sit in the back as usual.

2 minutes after Jayden sat down at the back Jaden(boy) walked over with his stuff and sat down next to her with a smile.

"What's got you in such a happy mood"Jd asked

"I got a date for tomorrow" Jaden answered trying to act like he wasn't excited

"Oh my god really where?with who?" Jade asked happy for him while still being a bit jealous.

"It's going to be just us going in a picnic and then going to the beach and it's with Destiny" Jaden pointed towards a the girl he was talking to. When Jayden heared the name was hoping that it wasn't the person that she was thinking and when she looked up to see who it was she was pissed.

Destiny was a prophet now automatically that makes Jayden and her enemies but they despised each other they would do things to each other just piss the other one off, and when Jayden found out it was destiny she instantly new that destiny only asked him out as a way to get back at Jayden.

"I'll be back" Jd got up and went up to destiny and grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the classroom with everyone looking at them seeing as though it was in the middle of class.

"Let go off me" destiny said taking her out of Jayden hand. "What's your problem"

"Why did you ask Jaden out I know you don't like him" Jayden asked

"I asked him out because I like him is there a problem with that" destiny replied clearly lying

"You and I both know your lying. What's the real reason" Jayden said to her

"Cause I was bored and I wanted to mess with you and clearly I am doing a good job at it" Destiny laughed

"so out of all people you bring him into this why" Jayden asked trying her best to not hit her

" 1 because he's your friend 2 because he is new 3 he doesn't know about our little games so he was a easy target" Destiny said

" you better watch out cause trust me karma is a bitch" Jayden says walking back into class not even paying attention to Mr Preston who is talking to her.

" hey what happened? Why did you talk to Destiny for" Jaden asked a bit confused

" I'll tell you everything at lunch but just know now she don't like you she's just using you" Jade replied

" what do you mean how would you know" Jaden asked a bit upset

" i'll tell you before our next class" Jd said trying her best not to get up and beat the shit out of Destiny

" okay then" Jaden said

They sat in silence for the last five minutes until the bell rang. Jd got her stuff and dragged Jaden out of class before destiny can walk up to him. She started walking towards the area that they usually used to skip PE class.

" okay can you please explain to me what's going on" Jaden said a bit annoyed.

" I know all of this is gonna sound a bit crazy in a bit not believable but trust me it's all true." Jd said and Jaden nodded " do you know the gang Los Santos" he nods " okay well I'm kind of in it you see my brother is the leader he's in charge of the Santos. Meaning automatically there are groups of different people who like me, don't like me or scared of me. The thing is there's another gang in freeridge and they are a group of people who don't like me and want me dead called prophets." She says taking a breather as he is looking at her very confused " So the thing is Destiny is a prophet and me and her have this thing we're we like to piss each other of by doing things like and she only asked you out to mess with me" she added

"What do you mean" he was very confused

"Destiny only asked you out to get back at me for something I did a long time ago she was waiting for the perfect time to get her revenge and you happen to be her target. Now I know you may not believe me but just be careful okay I don't want to be upset over some girl" Jayden finished and she was trying to see what emotion he had on his face but it was just blank she was scared and worried

" I can't believe it I actually thought some girl actually asked me out cause she liked when it was just all a lie" Jaden said "I was so excited aswell" Jaden added

"Hey it's okay at least you know now" Jade said comforting Jaden and trying to make him feel better.

After a few minutes then I decided to skip the day go eat. So they walked to Jaden's car and drove to five guys, it was a bit far but Jaden didn't really care to be honest. Went for a walk around the park and then Jenna went home to get ready to go out with Landon and Jaden. Gavin was going to be there until he got food poisoning.

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now