LA friends

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Jayden woke up the next day at 8:00 am so she could get ready early so she could get to the Sturniolo triplets new house where she was meeting all of her friends.

She got her custom air forces so she decided to base the outfit around the colour and then decided to do a monochrome outfit for a bit of colour.

She took a shower and washed her hair. She went in her room and blowed dryer her hair and put in a ponytail half dry. She wasn't going to do a lot with her makeup cause she wanted to give her skin a break but she put on a bit of concealer and Mascara.

Jayden put on her outfit and it was 9:35 when she was finished so went and walked to the closet Starbucks and got a double shot vanilla iced coffee with caramel drizzle and 2 pumps of hazelnut syrup also a pain au chocolat to go.

When she got her things she ate her pan au chocolat before ordering a Uber cause she wasn't going to eat in the Uber. She took some pictures for her instagram in the Uber but she wasn't going to post them yet she wanted to get a full body picture of her outfit.

She had arrived at the sturniolo household 2 hours later cause the Uber made some stops but the ride was nice and calming.

She got there and knocked on the door and the door flung open and standing there was Nick.

"JAYDEN!" Nick yelled pulling Jayden into a hug

"NICK!" She yelled back returning the hug

Nick and Jayden were hugging and you could hear whispers coming from upstairs and footsteps coming down.

"Nick love it's my time to hug Jayden" Chris said pushing Nick off of Jayden and pulled her in for a hug.

"Oh my god we will all get out time to hug Jayden" Matt said from behind

Matt hugged Jayden and they walked upstairs and Madi, Sab,and Nessa were sitting there and Nessa quickly got up and hugged Jayden.

"Oh my god I have missed you so much" nessa said

"Me too" Jayden said back

Jayden hugged everyone else and caught up with them and Jayden explained how she got suspended.

"Wait so you got into a fight with your brothers girlfriend" Madi concluded

"Well if you think about it at the time they weren't official" Jayden tells her

"That's still bad" Chris told Jayden

"Let's move on from this discussion" Jayden says to them

They talked more before they got bored and decide to go out. Everyone got ready and Nick decided to film a outfit of the day for the sturniolo account.

"Hi guys fit check" Nick started of " Um I'm wearing a black oversized long sleeved shirt that I got from Levi's and black dickies pants and black airforces" Nick added

It was time for Matt to go. " I have the whit old navy shorts that I wear all the time and I got this ransom shirt that I got from a mystery box" Matt says

"I got a black zip up hoodie and pants with to many pockets also black airforces" Chris shows his outfit

"I'm Matt and I am wearing" Nessa starts and just points to her outfit

"Clothes" Nick answers for her

"Clothes" Nessa repeats before walking of

"I'm Chris" Madi says and Chris throws a ball at her "I have a blue tank top and these Pants white pants"

"I'm Sabrina I am wearing Nessa's dress and pilgrim shoes" Sab quickly says

"I'm Jayden I have a Nike tech on and red airforces and a red hat" Jayden says

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now