First day back

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Amara woke up the next morning and walked to her house to get ready for school. She took a shower and got dressed she was wearing a black Nike tech with some Jordan 4s she had that went with the outfit.

She straightened her hair and didn't put in makeup cause she was trying to give her skin a break. She also put on a ski-mask but she was using it for a hat.

She had finished and the time was now 9:30 and she was late by 10 minutes but didn't care she left her room and started walking to school.

When she got there she walked straight to her 1st period class and was late by 15 minutes but she still took her time texting Oscar and letting him know she was at school.

Although it was dangerous Oscar knew that Jayden wasn't stupid and knew how to protect herself but he still had some of the santos who went to the school to look out for her.

She walked into her class and all eyes were on her and she just walked to the back next to Jaden and when she sat down everyone was still staring at her.

"What!" Jayden asked

"Jayden can you please calm down" Mr Preston says

"Then tell all these people to stop looking at me" Jayden replied back at him

"Jayden you just got back I don't think you wanna go to the principals office do you" Mr Preston told her

"It's not my fault you don't know how a conversation works" Jayden replies back getting a bit irritated

"Are you trying to get smart with me" Mr Preston

"I swear to fucking god do back to teaching your lesson that by the way no one pays attention to" Jayden tells

"To the office now" Mr Preston yells at her

"Nah your actually taking the piss I swear" Jayden gets up, grabs her bag then walks out and goes to the bleachers cause she wasn't going to the office

After 35 minutes the bell rings and she walks to find anyone of her friends. She finally found Maddy,Gavin and Landon. 

"Hey guys" Jayden says walking towards them

"Oh my god Jayden" Maddy says as she gives Jayden a hug

"Bro why you dressed like you part of the mandem" Gavin asked

"What the fuck is the Mandem" Jayden said recreating his accent and surprisingly she could do a Birmingham accent pretty well boy and girl

"Nah keep talking like that I am going to think your a man" Landon said

They all started walking to there classes and they got there and all sat in the back cause they were in groups of five but Jaden wasn't there yet.

After 5 minutes Jaden finally walked in and went to the back and sat down.

"Finally were the fuck have you been" Gavin asked

"Mr Preston sent me out to find you but I couldn't find you so I decided to skip the rest of class and I took my time to get here also I saw your brother" Jaden explains

"Nah what the fuck is he doing here" Jayden got up and walked out looking for her brother and saw him leaving and getting in the car with Oscar. She walked over and slapped Cesar on the back the head. "¿sabes lo estúpido que eres?" Jayden whisper yelled at him

"Why the fuck you talking it's not safe for you to be here" Cesar argues back

"Yea but I actually have protection unlike you" Jayden tells him

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