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The next morning Jayden was pissed off by so many things had just happened. Ceaser was jumped in, monse is angry at Ceaser for some odd reason and there was no food in the house.

She was still in her pjs even though she was going to be late but she didn't care she had things she needed to take care of. She texted Maddy saying not to pick her up cause she was going to walk.

First she walked outside to see all the santos hanging out at the front they were so deep into there conversation until Jayden cleared her throat. All of them were kinda scared because they all knew after what happened yesterday she was going to be pissed at all of them.

"Oscar inside now" she told Oscar and he followed her orders "sad eyes I need you to drop off Ceaser at school" sad eyes got up to go get Ceaser to drop him off and then she turned to the rest of the santos " don't you guys have a home" they all nodded "ok then go home Oscar or me will call you if you need anything"

She walked back into the house as sad eyes and Ceaser came out and the rest of the santos left to there homes or wherever. Oscar was just sat there questioning if he made a bad decision or not.

" look I've had some time to think about it and I will allow Ceaser to be in the Santos BUT there are 2 rules. whenever you want to Ceaser to do anything gang related you have to tell me first you call me or you ask me if I say no and you make him f do it he's out ok" Oscar let out a sigh of relief he thought she was going to be angrier

"I can agree with that" Oscar had agreed cause he already knew she was angry at him and didn't want to make her angrier.

"Don't think I am not still angry at you cause I am" after she said that she got up and headed towards her room so she could get ready for school.

She quickly grabbed an outfit and put it on before grabbing her bag and leaving.

Jayden's outfit:

She decided to go with no make up to school and her hair she just brushed it she didn't have time to curl it so she just left it out

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She decided to go with no make up to school and her hair she just brushed it she didn't have time to curl it so she just left it out.

She was very late for school but as usual she was to stubborn to ask spooky. So she called an Uber sing a so sad Eyes wasn't there because he was too afraid to face Jayden.

She's walked out of the room with sunglasses on her head and her phone in her hand she  Walked pass Oscar who stood up to go say bye but she slammed the door in his face before he could even start talking.

She made her way to her Uber and got in. The whole 15 minutes she was sat in silence thinking about life and processing how things will be like now.


When she got to school she was late but not to late. She walked into school and headed to her first period which she was 15 minutes late for but she didn't care.

When Jayden reached her class she looked around in her class to see that Jaden was sitting at the back by himself looking kind of upset. She walked over to him and sat down not even caring that Mr Preston wanted to talk to her w see.

"Hey are you ok" Jayden asked kind of worried.

"No" she answered

" Do you wanna talk about it" He asked.

"No" as she answered she puts her head on Jaden shoulder. The thing is about Jayden is that she never like showing emotion she hated it cause she thought if she showed any emotion people think she was week so she never let anybody in except her friends and family.

During class she thought about how she never told anyone about what she was going through, she used to always talk to Oscar when he went to jail she didn't have anyone she was left by herself to take care of Ceaser.

The rest of the class she sat there trying her best not to fall asleep while resting her head and Jaden's shoulder.

No it was not lunchtime Jade has gone off to find her friends as Jaden went to go hang out with his new friends. Jd was happy for him finally he found some other friends that weren't a bunch of girls,He had people he could relate to.Jayden(girl) kind of missed  him though him always being around just there with her when she got upset or when she needed someone to talk to.

"Hey Jayden(girl)!where is Jaden(boy)?"Maddy asked looking around.

"Oh he made a new friend so he went of with him" Jayden asked while going to take a seat.

"Oh, Anyway are you guys going to the carnival cause I have this amazing outfit that I can't wait to show you guys" Maddy said really excited.

"I am" they all said

They all started talking about rumours and how Maddy and Nate got back together. Then after a few minutes Jaden(boy) walked in with his new friend.

"Hey guys" Jaden went and sat next to Jd.

"What so are we invisible or something" one of the two boys asked with an English accent (a Birmingham accent).

"Well I thought you could introduce yourselves" Jaden turned and looked at them.

"Well I am Gavin" Gavin said looking around the table before sitting next to Kat and taking some of her chips/fries not even asking,which she turned to look at him like he was crazy "what"

" Oh I know you. Didn't you get that kicked out of your old school in London for being caught vaping and then your mum decided to send you to away to America" Bb said looking at him with a smile

" to answer your question yes that was me that school was shit. never ever go to a English boarding school" he said still taking kats fries/chips

" and who are you?" Maddy turned to see a boy with really nice eyes sitting next to Maddy.

" oh I'm Landon" he said smiling at her.

We all sat together for the remaining time of lunch getting to know each other already the friendship group was a really big and eight split off into two groups (Bb, Kat, Maddy and Cassie) (Maddy, Landon, Gavin,Jayden and Jaden). Although Jayden was close with the girls she was still more close with the boys even though she met them like a few days ago. All her life she grew up around boys so she really got along with them easily.

Throughout the day she spent it with the boys and Maddie and during PE Gavin and London had a different class so they didn't skip with them because they actually liked their class so she was back with her normal friend group including Rue.


What do you guys think about Gavin and Landon?

If you have any suggestions what I should add to the story if it is a new cases anything just coming in right here and I will be sure to try and add them in if I like the idea.

Also I'm really sorry for the late update I was just really busy with school but now on summer holidays.

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