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"Hey what's happening" Jayden answered the phone

"There was a shooting at quince" Oscar said over the phone sounding like he was moving around

"Ok what's the issue" Jayden asked confused

"Cesar and his friends were there cause it was that girl Olivia's quince" Oscar said

"Ok your not explaining what's happening get to the point" Jayden said to him

"Latrell shot Olivia and Ruby" Oscar finally said and Jayden face changed into anger

Jayden got up and walked away from her friends but not that far just so they can't hear her.

"What do you mean Latrell is supposed to be dead" Jayden said

"Exactly Cesar didn't do it" Oscar said to her

"Hijo de puta (son of a bitch), where is he now" Jayden asked

"I'm bout to pick him up from the go then bring him back home"Oscar tells her

"Aight I'll meet you at home" Jayden told him

"Cool" Oscar said ending the call

Jayden walked back to her friends and told them she had to go cause from where they were it was just a 10 minute walk to get to the Diaz household.

She walked in and sat down with her phone and was scrolling through instagram for a bit before the door opened and Cesar walked in followed by Oscar.

"Sit" Jayden tells Cesar "What happened last night and don't fucking lie" She asked

"Well uh I went and followed Latrell into the bathroom and Monse was on this thing of her finding the roller world money and I called to ask if she found it or not, the gun was pointed at Latrell and he was crying then I ended the call and Latrell went and attacked me I hit him and he was on the floor and was begging for me not to do it..... I... I offered that instead he leaves town and doesn't come back and he said that he would, he helped me fake that I shot him and then I left" Cesar explained

Jayden was quiet her face had no emotion on it and that made Cesar scared Oscar was a bit uneasy but no one said anything waiting for Jayden to talk.

"mejor que esto sea una jodida broma ( this best be a fucking joke" Jayden said and turned to Cesar. "I hope you realise that what you have just done has caused so many problems for everyone and whatever consequences you get I am not helping you" Jayden told Cesar

"Jayden plea-" Cesar started

"No do you know what could happen to you." Jayden asked and Cesar shook his head " first you get jumped out then kicked out of the house and now you get no protection from the santos not even Oscar or me you are all alone no one to help you" Jayden explained to him "you know what I'm leaving you deal with him cause I am tired" Jayden said to Oscar before walking out and walking to Antonio's house

When she got there she opened the door with the spare key that he had that he gave her she unlocked the door and walked in and saw an extra pair of women's shoes. She walked more into the house and heard noises coming from Antonio's room.

She walked into his room and was shocked at what she was seeing. Antonio and some girl were having sex right there. They were in a position that they couldn't see the door so Jayden stood there and came up with something.

She closed the door and walked back to the living room and sat down and sat there waiting for them to finish their business. After 10 minutes the door opened and The girl ,Ayla, walked out first and paused in fear when she saw Jayden.

Then Antonio walked out confused on why she was standing there but realised when she saw what she was looking at.

When he saw Jayden he paused and his face softened in fear cause he knew that he could end up with a bullet in him. Jayden turned and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Hey Ayla how are you" Jayden asked Ayla "come on you guys sit down let's talk" Jayden added with a smile on her face

They didn't move and just stood there cause they were scared.

"So how was it did she feel good" Jayden asked Antonio and he didn't answer " what so none of you know how to talk, SPEAK" Jayden yelled

"Jayden I'm sorry I swear this was just a one time thing It was just a mistake" Antonio started to apologise and Jayden laughed

"Don't fucking lie you got caught own up to it cause from what I saw you looked like you didn't regret it" Jayden said

"I am sorry it didn't mean anything" Antonio said and Jayden shot him in the leg and he screamed out in pain and Ayla let out a yelp

"How many times do I have to say don't fucking lie" Jayden said

"I'm not lying" Antonio said

"Yea you are if I don't get the truth I am shooting her" Jayden said pointing the gun at Ayla

"You want the truth fine it was my fault I lead him on I do this I kissed him it was my fault" Ayla said before Antonio could say anything and she shot her in her right shoulder and Ayla started crying in pain

"You see that is for kissing him" Jayden said to Ayla then she shoots Antonio again in the same leg " that is for cheating on me" Jayden adds before walking out and catching a Uber to cuchillos house.

When she got back she went straight into her room took a shower and watched some tv before going sleep.


What do you think of this chapter

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Hope you have a good day or night


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