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Cause of the fight Jayden wasn't allowed to go to the dance but somehow Monse was which didn't make sense at all. Also Cesar and Monse were 'back together' but we all know it's going to end soon.

Jayden was hanging out with the santos sitting on Sad eyes lap cause she didn't have anything else to do. They were laughing when Monse and some girl were walking past and Monse was staring at all the santos but especially Jayden with a dirty look.

Her outfit btw:

Jayden noticed this and stopped laughing and started looking back at her

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Jayden noticed this and stopped laughing and started looking back at her.

"I know I am beautiful but why are you staring at me" Jayden yelled towards Monse.

"Someone is very self-centred" Monse mumbled

"Wanna say that a little louder" Jayden said and Antonio slightly tightened his grip on her

"She didn't say anything." The girl said to Jayden "come on Monse let's go" she whispered to monse trying to pull her away

"You" Jayden said towards the girl "what's your name" Jayden asked

"Oh uh i'm Olivia I just moved here from Texas " The girl told her

"Ok Olivia nice to meet you" Jayden told her "Since your new I would like to warn you for next time don't you ever get involved in a conversation that has nothing to do with you. Got it?" Jayden told her

"G-got it" Olivia stuttered out of nervousness. The santos laughed at Olivia for being scared which made Olivia embarrassed

"And monse next time you wanna say something about me say it with chest. Got it?" Jayden told Monse

"Whatever" Monse said rolling her eyes and walking away with Olivia

"This bitch think I am fucking playing with her watch what gone happen" Jayden said out loud. All the santos laughed at her comment

They were chilling for about thirty minutes before Maddy pulled up in front of the house with Jaden, Gavin and Landon.

"What are you doing here" Jayden said walking to Maddy's car

"Well tonight's the dance but it got cancelled so we're going to a party instead" Maddy told her

"Come on in them cause I got to get ready" Jayden told them

What Jayden didn't know was that Maddy was partly lying to her yes they were going to a party but this was just another way of keeping her distracted and not do any drugs.

They all got out of Maddy's car and Maddy went into the trunk and got her outfit out. They walked in passed all the santos and went to Jayden's room Maddy stopped for a bit and talked to spooky while the rest of them went to Jayden's room.

"So what have I missed at school" Jayden asked them all while picking out an outfit to where

"Uh nothin much just a new girl named Olivia and Nate getting suspended almost arrested" Gavin told her like it was normal " also you got some food"

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