Season 2 info

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1. There will be a time skip to New Year's Eve

2. Maddy is no longer close to Jayden or any of the boys after she got into a massive argument with Jayden and the boys went to Jayden's defence and she now hangs out with Cassie, Kat and Bb

3. Landon moved to Canada cause his parents got a new job there but is still in contact with Jayden,Jaden and Gavin

4. There are two new people Ty and Junior who have moved from Birmingham to Freeridge and instantly become close with the trio

5. Oscar and Jayden are still as close as they were before and still see each other as sister and brother. Jayden and Cesar don't talk anymore after the whole Latrell thing but she does leave meals for him at the place he was sleeping and living and sometimes leaves notes

6. Antonio and Jayden aren't together anymore and won't be getting back together they have now officially said that they are friends.

7. Jayden is now permanently staying with Cuchillos but still goes to the Diaz household twice a week

8. Jayden still sees her influencer friends and is close with them and has been offered many modelling jobs and invited to many events

9. Lastly Gavin and Jayden have gotten even closer and now have a weird sort of relationship where they like to flirt with each other and just act like a couple

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